Unloading your/my WiFi

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Unloading your/my WiFi

Post by liderbug »

Don't know if this has been run up the pole before or not...

Mamma fox and 3 kits have moved in under a shed in the back yard. So I took my Axis 206W and an extension cord and set up a "Fox Cam". Then I found that my laptopand her tablet were running really slow as was our whole system. So I took an old(er) modem (actiontec Q1000) and installed it in the garage - overlooking shed. I already had a cat-5 cable running there and set the modem to bridge mode and a different channel than my primary modem. So the only thing, WiFi, on my secondary modem is my Fox cam which then hits 100baseT.

Problem solved.
The wire fence is to keep our dogs from bothering them.  The kits treat it as a jungle jim.
The wire fence is to keep our dogs from bothering them. The kits treat it as a jungle jim.
fox206w.jpg (48.55 KiB) Viewed 5051 times
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