YUM RPM Repo FC3 now available. UPDATED 2005-11-23

If you've made a patch to quick fix a bug or to add a new feature not yet in the main tree then post it here so others can try it out.
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YUM RPM Repo FC3 now available. UPDATED 2005-11-23

Post by cordel »

Here ya go everyone, One more contrib for the group ;)
There is now a YUM Repository available for the perl modules, ffmpeg, and zm.
I'll also be placing updates there as well and have started setting up for other distros as well.
Currently there is only FC3 till:
1) I get more machines to start building on other distros.
2) Someone from one of the other distros that know how to package for that distro want to contribute (Mandrake will be covered by Ross Melin at least 10.1).
For those using FC3 this will also work with up2date and the applet to let you know when updates are on the server. This feature is new ground for me and those willing to test it out on the next release I'll be packaging it and placing it here.
ftp://download.computerntelecom.com/pub ... /testing/3
For a testing period then...

After a period of a week or two.. if there are no issues with the package I'll move it too here
ftp://download.computerntelecom.com/pub ... /updates/3

All the perl packages and the now current zm-1.20.1 are in the repo here
ftp://download.computerntelecom.com/pub ... Extra-RPMS

Also you may use http insted of ftp but I don't think this improves performance any and actualy I beleive it's slower but just incase some one wants it... it's there same url path just change the begining from ftp:// to http://
I will be working on building for FC2 shortly since ffmpeg is still having issues on FC3. I have a build machine to use for it (currently my video zm box) that I just need to prep for the building of RPMs :D
Later I will add info for configureing up2date to be able to recieve alerts though the applet.
Last edited by cordel on Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Adding the yum repo to FC3

Post by cordel »

First you need to install or already have installed Fedora Core 3.
You can select the the smallest install if you want to go headless (no Desktop) or select the desktop of your choice. You should also select apache, mysql, php, perl, etc... so that your not downloading so much (but alot of this will be updated anyway as there alot of newer versions).
UPDATE 2005-07-25
The quick method

You can use the repo config file on my webserver or add to your configuration.
To use the configutation on my webserver run YUM like so:
yum -c http://www.computerntelecom.com/download/zm-fc3.repo install zm
Thats it and will install every thing you need and you can ignore the rest of this post.
(You may need to install Fedora, ATRPMS, and my CTU gpg keys, see below)

Or if you want more control you can add the following
How to add the YUM Repos.

There are two parts to adding the repo in FC3.

Use what ever editor you prefer but for the example I use VI and assume that you know how to use it. An alternative editor might be nano in place of vi it has that dos editor feel.

UPDATE 2005-06-04
Insted of using the CTU-Base I have created CTU-Extra-RPMS that has all the packages that are not included in Fedora Core. Copy this in place of the base below but I left it available just in case I missed something. PM me if it don't work or it does work so I know. I haven't had a chance to install zm useing this method so if I missed putting a package in the extra-rpms repo let me know.

Updated 2005-11-23
Create a file named ctu-extras.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/ctu-extras.repo
copy this text into the file.

Code: Select all

name=CTU Core $releasever - $basearch - Extra-RPMS
next we will create the update repo.
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/zm-update.repo
and copy this text into it.

Code: Select all

name=CTU Core $releasever - $basearch - Released Updates
Install GPG Keys
If you want my PGP-KEY you must run this as root (also required if gpgcheck is enabled. See note below). This sould happen automaticaly but just in case this is the way to install manualy.
rpm --import http://download.computerntelecom.com/pu ... PG-KEY-CTU
This is a good idea to do since it helps protect the file so you know that it has not been tampered with since I built it 8)
Also her is atrpms key:
rpm --import http://atrpms.net/RPM-GPG-KEY.atrpms

Okay now for the hard part....
yum install zm
This will download and install all the packages that ZM requires.
All builds are compiled against whats in the FC3 Distro.
Once this compleates, edit the /etc/zm.conf to add the required info,
Start your mysqld database, and httpd.
For the user type root and press enter for the password, and your up and running.
Unless of course you added a password on the databases root user.

Updating the packages is very simple as well. If you have the enabled=1 in the ctu-update.repo:
yum update
will get you going.

Depending on how you have the other Fedora repos set (by default these are enabled) it will check the Fedora repos for updates and install them as well. You can also set the YUM service to run and it will check for updates nightly along with the Fedora updates and base repos (depending on if you have these enabled and by defualt they are).

This repo you should not need (ctu-base) but the other two repos you will (ctu-extra-rpms, ctu-updates). I have the info here just in case.
Create a file named zm.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/zm.repo
copy this text into the file.

WARNING 2005-6-3 As is right now this will Brand ZM Logos if the fedora-logos package is downloaded. If this happens to you just revert back to your older fedora-logos package.
I have put ctu-extras in place of the base repo so you should not need ctu-base.

Code: Select all

name=CTU Core $releasever - $basearch - Base
If you want to use ctu-base I suggest enabling it in the comand line and not in the file since if it was to be enabled in the file if you do an update it will use the CTU-base and you will find your self branded with ZoneMinder. So you don't want to do any updates from the ctu-base repo.

Here are some extra options. You can do them if you want to have a little more control.
Now if you notice the two last lines of each file have enabled and gpgcheck. Enabled set to one means that every time you run YUM it will check that repo. You can set this to zero and have YUM check that repo only when you want it to by calling the repo

yum --enablerepo=ctu-Extra-RPMS --enablerepo=ctu-updates-released install zm
If you have ctu-updates.repo enable=0 and you want to do a update, then you will have to enable it on the command line:
yum --enablerepo=ctu-updates-released update

Now pgpcheck set to one means that RPM checks the packages signature before installing. If the signature is good it will procede else, If it don't match or is missing it will not. It follows the same rules as enabled, set to one to turn it on or set to zero to disable it.

PS I also found a home for the servers that will have a T1 on them so downloads will not be as bad once the move takes place. I will try to give advanced notice but the whole transition should not take more than an hour of down time. :D
Also if anyone wants to mirror any of the repos let me know and I can add the mirror to the mirror list.
Last edited by cordel on Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:01 am, edited 37 times in total.
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I'm not quite there, yet.

Post by MTurner »

First, thanks for going to the trouble to work on yum for zm. Could you please suggest what I am missing? I am running FC3. I created the two files in the location you describe. The file permissions and attributes are the same as the other repo files in that directory. When I type: yum install zm, yum goes through the base and updates-re and then says: "No Match for argument: zm" Thanks, Mark
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Post by cordel »

Should work. Try comenting out the Mirror part and uncoment the baseurl.
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Adding the yum repo to FC3

Post by ldkeen »

I'm getting the same error message:
[root@pc-00081 yum.repos.d]# yum install zm
Repository updates-released already added, not adding again
Repository base already added, not adding again
Setting up Install Process
Setting up Repos
base 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
updates-released 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
Reading repository metadata in from local files
base : ################################################## 2622/2622
primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 338 kB 00:06
MD Read : ################################################## 854/854
updates-re: ################################################## 854/854
No Match for argument: zm
Nothing to do
I've tried commenting out the mirror part and uncommenting the baseurl as suggested but the outcome's the same. Just for the record here is my zm.repo and zm-update.repo:
[root@pc-00081 yum.repos.d]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/zm.repo
name=CTU Core $releasever - $basearch - Base
baseurl=http://download.computerntelecom.com/pu ... /$basearch
#mirrorlist=http://download.computerntelecom.com/do ... releasever
[root@pc-00081 yum.repos.d]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/zm-update.repo
name=CTU Core $releasever - $basearch - Released Updates
baseurl=http://download.computerntelecom.com/pu ... /$basearch
#mirrorlist=http://download.computerntelecom.com/do ... releasever
Not too sure where to look from here. Any suggestions?
Regards Lloyd
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Adding the yum repo to FC3

Post by ldkeen »

Just having a bit of a play and I renamed zm.repo to fedora.repo, tried it again and it seems to be working now??
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Post by jefflroberts »

it appears to me to be a naming conflict with the fedora repository. i changed the names to zm and zm-update and it seemed to work for me.
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Post by cordel »

Yes jefflroberts and ldkeen, You would be correct. The names can't be the same as a existing repo. :oops:
Last edited by cordel on Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Issues :)

Post by corey »

Just a few quick questions

I am having an issue with the Fedora core 3 zm install.

I have done the zm.rep and zm-update.repo

then done the yum install zm

it went fine told me what was needed 32 packages total it downloaded them and then when done tried to install. but got the following error.

warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 66534c2b
public key not available for liba52_0-0.7.4-6.rhfc3.at.i386.rpm

I just tried to install liba52_0 by itself but get the same error.

do I need to remove the zm.repo and m-update.repo install all the deps then try and do the zoneminder install.

Thanks Corey
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Post by cordel »

Hi Corey,
(Funny I feel like I'm posting to myself LOL)
The easy way to get around this is to import my gpg key or set the gpgcheck=0 in both repo files for my server.

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Post by corey »

Duh :)

worked like a charm.

This is my first install of FC3 or any redhat derivitive since 7 something so I have a few things to get used to I guess.

Installed in 30 seconds after changing gpgcheck=1 to =0

Thanks Cordel

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YUM Repo FC2

Post by cordel »

Yeah No Problem Corey,
FYI I'll be setting up a repo for Fedora Core 2 in the next few weeks for those that are interested.
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Post by stiperstones »

Hi all

Just a little how-to:
Updated to reflect cordel post 04/06/2005

If you are using this yum.conf from fedorafaq

Open a terminal
su into root
Open your favourite editor su favourite_editor /etc/yum.conf

And copy these onto the end of the file

Code: Select all

name=CTU Core $releasever - $basearch - Extra-RPMS

Code: Select all

name=CTU Core $releasever - $basearch - Released Updates
Save and close

At a terminal logged in as root

This imports the gpg key

Code: Select all

rpm --import http://download.computerntelecom.com/pub/RPM-GPG-KEY-CTU
Issue this command below as root "only checks to see if zm available

Code: Select all

yum --enablerepo=ctu-Extra-RPMS --enablerepo=ctu-updates --enablerepo=dag list zm
Issue this command below as root and zm will be installed.

Code: Select all

yum --enablerepo=ctu-Extra-RPMS  --enablerepo=ctu-updates --enablerepo=dag install zm

cordel howto
This will download and install all the packages that ZM requires. All builds are compiled against whats in the FC3 Distro.
Once this completes, edit the /etc/zm.conf to add the required info,
Start your mysqld database, and httpd.

Code: Select all

For the user type root and press enter for the password, and your up and running.
In my howto you will see that i have enabled the dag wiers repositry due to my machine requested some extra RPM'S to meet some RPM dependancy,s.

Try it no promises worked OK here at my server

PS To uninstall issue this command at terminal as root:

Code: Select all

yum remove zm
Based on cordel howto

Last edited by stiperstones on Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:44 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by cordel »

You can also set enable=0 in the independant files like I have above and call them the same way so that it only checks my repo when you want it too :wink:
yum --enablerepo=ctu-base --enablerepo=ctu-updates
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just a Q to cordel

Post by stiperstones »

Question to cordel
were is the the gpq check file on your server because using the fedora faq yum.conf it needs to be downloaded manually ref this http://www.fedorafaq.org/#gpgsig
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