zoneminder with grandstream IP camera

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zoneminder with grandstream IP camera

Post by dragand »

1. Hi I`m trying to setup few grandstream IP cameras to work with zoneminder and I have some problem especialy if I choose in General Tab >Source type “Remote”. Problems are if I want to stream h264 in zoneminder with source type in general tab “remote”.
My settings
Source type: remote
Remote protocol: HTTP (I also tried other options…rtp/rtsp..)
Remote method: Simple
Remote host name: cam ip address
Remote host port: 554
Remote host path:/0 (according grand stream it is a first stream)
Source color: 24bit
Capture width and height same like in the IP camera (I try all resolutions)
and with this setting I get blue screen on monitor frame rate is working on the monitor, also zoom is working but monitor screen is blue no picture from camera. In the error log I have: unable to capture image retrying”. Camera model is GXV3611HD but I have same situation with other grandstream cameras.

2. If I use FFmpeg in General tab I can get picture in monitor but not on all resolution for example on 1600x1200 nothing. If I go to smaller resolution 640x480 I have a nice picture in monitor.
I`m using Ubuntu 13.04 and I setup h264 codec and FFmpeg and some other libs. Can somebody help me how to get h264 stream with "remote" in general tab, for example rtsp:\\192.168.X.X :544 working in VLC player on same PC

Please advice