So after successfully creating a control script for my
TV-IP651, figured I'd take a crack at making one for my TV-IP672. Natch, they're completely different. Time to break out wireshark.
Long story short, I have it boiled down so that if you execute the following curl command, the camera will move to the left:
Code: Select all
curl --digest -u "username:password" "http://ip.address/cgi/ptdc.cgi?command=set_relative_pos&posX=-10&posY=0"
But I'm having a problem trying to figure out how to hack that into a zoneminder control script. Specifically, I can't quite figure out if zoneminder supports digest authentication, which this camera
requires for movement commands. You can get video with regular (in the clear) authentication, but for some reason pointing the camera a different direction requires digest authentication. (Go figure!) If you drop the --digest option, the curl request will fail with a 401 unauthorized message every time.
SO... anybody have any snappy ideas on how to do this, or an example I could look at?
Thanks much!