My existing ZM setup at home stores events on an internal HDD and has a filter running periodically to upload possible 'events of interest' off site. This arrangement was put in place in the hope that if someone breaks in and steals the server I might hopefully have some evidence offsite to go on. However, the filter process is not quite realtime - nor of course is the actual upload which is limited by my Internet connection.
So I decided that an external HDD, hidden away, would be a good idea so that if the server gets stolen and all the cables tugged out of the back in a rush the external HDD would hopefully remain with all the evidence on it.
The external HDD is running over eSATA and I appear to be having some controller issues with it - that's one for another forum - but the relevance to ZM is that when the disk 'disappeared' temporarily as a result of these issues ZM appears to have concluded that all the events must have been deleted from the disk, e.g:
Code: Select all
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [deleting]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [Event link 2/13/09/12/.230693 does not point to valid target]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [deleting]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [Event link 2/13/09/12/.230689 does not point to valid target]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [deleting]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [Event link 2/13/09/12/.230688 does not point to valid target]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [deleting]
Sep 21 01:47:21 rugrat zmaudit[2956]: INF [Event link 2/13/09/12/.230687 does not point to valid target]
I am wondering therefore what the above log entries actually mean? I understand the 'does not point to valid target' bit but the 'INF [deleting]' didn't appear to have actually done anything? I'm glad it didn't of course but I'd still be keen to get to the bottom of it.