Problem with filter

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Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:18 pm

Problem with filter

Post by topromotion »


I have a some problem when filter is run. I have a filter for delete old events "- 20 days".
When it start my process load is too high and i can connect to my zoneminder server.

How i can configure my filter for optimal cleaning of old events?
And how i can increase a lenght of events?
I have a 21436 events from 20 days and 6 cameras - is it normal?

My config in screenshots.
system.png (111.23 KiB) Viewed 1432 times
filter.png (34.77 KiB) Viewed 1432 times
Posts: 655
Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:34 pm

Re: Problem with filter

Post by mikb »

Consider the "limit to first X matches" option, it looks like it's trying to delete a LOT at once. This will make things run slowwwwly until it completes, in my experience.

Try setting to "limit to first 100 matches" and run it more often (e.g. every 5 mins) and see if it will slowly eat down the "old" events to a manageable level.

Only you can say how many events is "normal", a camera pointing at an empty passageway: 0 events per day. 1 for the cat maybe.

Camera pointing at a main road doing ANPR duty, thousands per day.

If it feels too many, have a look at the events, are you recording far too much non-movement from leaves blowing, shadows moving?