dahua, rtsp and ffmpeg

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dahua, rtsp and ffmpeg

Post by morpheus106 »

i have a problem with ZM and my two dahua (hfw 3200, hfw 2100).

In any documents i read this configuration:
Create a new monitor and choose source as ffmpeg

I tried in every way, following the notes/url on this site http://www.ispyconnect.com/man.aspx?n=Dahua
but nothing, nothing, nothing..... ever screen black :evil:

If i use videolan i see all
If i use browser i see all
but in zm nothing... :twisted:
I have other cam, 2 foscam and clone-foscam, that no cause problems

Can you help me?
Sorry for my english
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Re: dahua, rtsp and ffmpeg

Post by dvarapala »

Unfortunately I can't help - I can only commiserate.

I recently bought a Dahua IPC-HDW2100 and have the same issue. The ffmpeg executable on my ZoneMinder box can capture from this camera, as can VLC on my Windows machines, but ZoneMinder simply fills the log with "Error decoding frame 0" messages. In searching the forum I found many, many threads talking about this same problem, but no real solutions. As documented in https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/pull/174, the problem continues even in the latest 1.26.4 release. As a result I've given up for the time being.

Update: I upgraded to 1.26.4 and now my Dahua camera works! :P
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Re: dahua, rtsp and ffmpeg

Post by victormd »

I have the 2100 and mine is setup as FFmpeg (versus remote - as suggested in another forum I was searching, can't remember where now) under Source Type and the source path is:

Works fine - not sure if this affects the quality of the image though since I could never get it to work as remote.