Can the function of a camera be de/activated by commandline?
I would like to turn off function, move to different position and then turn on function e.g. modect again.
Else while moving it generates an alarm that is unwanted...
[SOLVED] Activate/deactivate function by commandline?
[SOLVED] Activate/deactivate function by commandline?
Last edited by roadster on Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Activate/deactivate function by commandline?
OK, solution is near... ZMU can be invoked to inactivate the monitors, now just find something about the syntax
Re: Activate/deactivate function by commandline?
OK, this is solved too... the wiki covered everything I wanted to know about zmu.
Now cameras pan without triggering any unnecessary alarms.
Now cameras pan without triggering any unnecessary alarms.