zmpkg status says running, console says stopped

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Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:24 pm

zmpkg status says running, console says stopped

Post by vidivici »

zoneminder 1.26.4 built from source on Fedora 19. status says zoneminder is running. Events are being created in the console. The console says zoneminder is stopped and I cannot view monitors. If I click on stopped and set to running, console then changes to running. If i then use zmpkg to change state nothing happens. If I stop zoneminder with init.d script, zoneminder continues to run in console, events being created. init.d script reports stopped.

Can anyone help me as to why this is happening, please? I need to change from day state to night state using zmpkg.
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Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:53 pm

Re: zmpkg status says running, console says stopped

Post by px03afk »

Can't say for sure if this is the same problem I had with OpenSuse but maybe.

The problem I had was the later releases of OpenSuse use systemd and that has introduced the concept of private /tmp space and the default for ZM is to use /tmp. So the web console is looking and the private /tmp and is looking in the real /tmp and so they have different views of the world.

If you compiled ZM is yourself then you can get around this by specifying ZM_TMPDIR at compile time and using a different directory, e.g. /var/run/zmtmp BUT you will then have to modify the database entries which currently have /tmp to reflect the new value as compiling will change the code such as and database create scripts but nothing will directly change the database itself.

If you didn't compile yourself, or you aren't concerned about other web services using private /tmp, you can switch off the private /tmp by amending the apache2.service file and changing PrivateTmp=yes to no