blue screen with a timestamp

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Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:36 am

blue screen with a timestamp

Post by highvoltage65 »


I am trying to monitor this camera: 7links PX-3719-675 to zoneminder, but I only get a blue screen with a timestamp.

This link works for me: http: myipadress/cgi-bin/videostream.cgi?user=xxxxx&pwd=xxxxxx
in my browser, so I use "/cgi-bin/videostream.cgi" as Remote Host Path, but it still not work.

The log-file shows the following error:
2013-11-20 12:50:53.706475 zmc_m4 3285 WAR Unable to capture image, retrying zm_remote_camera_http.cpp 1092
2013-11-20 12:50:53.706461 zmc_m4 3285 ERR Connection dropped by remote end zm_remote_camera_http.cpp 603

What does it mean? How can I fix the error?

This link: rtsp://myipadress:554/live/av0?user=xxx works in vlc too.

But in zoneminder I get errors:

2013-11-24 19:12:38.715874 web_php 2409 ERR socket_sendto( /tmp/zm/zms-398824s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory /usr/share/zoneminder/includes/functions.php 2323
2013-11-24 19:12:36.093650 zmdc 2213 ERR 'zmc -m 5' exited abnormally, exit status 255
2013-11-24 19:12:36.092737 zmc_m5 4203 FAT Unable to open input rtsp://myip/live/av0 due to: Operation now in progress zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp 94
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Joined: Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:56 pm

Re: blue screen with a timestamp

Post by heikoipcam »

Hi There

I got the PX-3719-919 Model (IPC-770HD), i guess the settings are pretty same.

I've got some screens for you
zone einstellungen1.jpg (55.43 KiB) Viewed 1732 times
zone einstellungen2.jpg (58.76 KiB) Viewed 1732 times
Complete Remote Host Path is: /cgi-bin/videostream.cgi?user=USER&pwd=PASSWORD

i never got it running with a resulution of 1280 * 720.. may I figure it out later

greez heiko