Zoneminder&Telegram (event instant messaging to your phone!)

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Zoneminder&Telegram (event instant messaging to your phone!)

Post by PacoLM »


I was thinking in using my ZM server to be able to send instant messages to my phone with the pictures or videos. I found some information about how to send instant messaging with WhatsApp, but the company has changed the auth process, so I moved to Telegram (
You need to install expect (apt-get install expect).

Right now, I have Telegram CLI working in my ZM server (easy, just followed some instructions detailed here, and wrote a simple bash script that allows me to send a message and a picture of the event.

This is the script, adapted from many different sources on the web:

Code: Select all

set user [lindex $argv 0]
set text [lindex $argv 1]
set image [lindex $argv 2]
set video [lindex $argv 3]
# this is the path where telegram CLI is installed and the public key for the server
spawn /usr/src/telegram/tg-master/telegram -k /usr/src/telegram/tg-master/
expect "User"
send "msg $user $text\r"
send "send_photo $user $image\r"
send "send_video $user $video\r"
expect "Sent:"
send "safe_quit\r"
expect eof

It seems reasonable to add a new option in the filter settings, to allow users to send also a instant message instead of sending an email, ftp to a server, etc. If I have time, I will try to add the option in the filter window and also add the code in the I have experience programming in C#, Tcl and VB, but I'm not 'fluent' in Python, Perl or PHP, so, if anyone wants to take the credits and add this feature...just go ahead!



After more than 15 years, no longer using ZM as surveillance system.
Now in the dark side, using a commercial system...
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