IP camera alarms

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Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:20 am

IP camera alarms

Post by jcanon »

Some IP cameras (like FOSCAM) include input and output alarms managed by open/close relays. It will be useful to manage these alarms by zoneminder through the camera. By example : when the input relay is closed, we can record and stop recording when the input alarm is open. I know that we can do recording by using zmtrigger.pl but in this case, the relays are outside the camera and managed by your outside program. It is not always the case.
Other example : We can close the output relay through the camera in case of certain condition (time, temperature, ...).
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Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:21 am

Re: IP camera alarms

Post by carcachute »

Along the same lines, one of my D-Link cameras has I/O ports on the back and all of them have PIR sensors built-in. Using the PIR would take a lot of load off the host CPU.
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