Runnable docker container -- what else am I missing?

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Runnable docker container -- what else am I missing?

Post by coppit »

Hi all,

I'm working on a docker container that is aimed at end users. This means relocating any persistent state like the MySQL DB to attached storage so that it can survive container restarts. I also moved the zm.conf there, and updated ZM_PATH_CONF for the config file and ZM_PATH_WEB for images and events storage.

Is there any other state in the VM that I need to worry about persisting?

Attached is my Dockerfile, apache config, and start script. I'm basing this on Ubuntu 14.04.1. It might still have some problems, so I wouldn't call this "done" just yet. When I get it all working I'll push the container to the registry for others to use.
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Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:14 am

Re: Runnable docker container -- what else am I missing?

Post by coppit »

This docker container seems to be working, although I removed the cambozola installation. I decided against pushing the container to the registry since I'm not really a ZM expert. Feel free to use my work. :)