Zoneminder 1.25 on Wheezy weirdness

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Zoneminder 1.25 on Wheezy weirdness

Post by fatboy »

A couple questions...

I installed a Wheezy Xen DomU on a Debian Wheezy Dom0, dedicated to zoneminder (nice, huh?).

I have another Wheezy machine that does all kinds of things, including zoneminder.

1) On the dedicated machine, all monitors have links to the other monitors, I have no idea how to unlink as I dont want all monitors recording when one triggers (the DB showed only one monitor with a linked monitor which I deleted without any changes on the GUI side). My Virtual Machine does not have this issue! Not only that, but it does not work, when on records, others don't. Perhaps best to ignore?

2) I also notice there are links in /var/cache/zoneminder/<monitor>/blah, blah, blah. What are they for, don't recall seeing that in past zoneminder installs???

TIA for any input!