I'm setting up a zoneminder box to go into a remote location. I want to access the ZM control panel via a wireless link from a laptop to the box. I also want the ability to plug the ZM box into my ethernet router at certain times to access the internet or other computers on my wired network.
My problem is that I can't get both connections to work at the same time. With some fiddling I can get one or the other to connect.
The wired side is set at and goes to a linksys router.
The wireless side is an MSI PC54G2 card at and connects to the laptop at
I suspect that possibly the Mandrake Network Control center can't handle this situation. Does anyone have any clue on what I need to do?
wired internet connection and wireless console connection
One solution you could use is to configure one interface and then save it as a net profile. For example get your wireless configured and then as root do "save-netprofile wireless". Then config the ethernet interface and do "save-netprofile wired"
Then you can switch between them with "set-netprofile wireless" etc.
Then you can switch between them with "set-netprofile wireless" etc.