Fresh install of Fedora 20 x64. Installed the ZM 1.28 package from the ZM repo as outlined here. Installed my first monitor and now I'm getting this:
Code: Select all
Nov 1 11:05:40 rama zmdc[2021]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 14/11/01 11:05:40, pid = 2898]
Nov 1 11:05:40 rama zmdc[2898]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 14/11/01 11:05:40]
Nov 1 11:05:40 rama zmdc[2021]: ERR ['zmc -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 127]
Nov 1 11:05:41 rama zmwatch[2224]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist. zmc might not be running.]
Update #1: I ran zmc from the command line and saw this:
Update #2: After more Googling, I triedzmc: symbol lookup error: /lib64/ undefined symbol: vpx_codec_vp9_dx_algo
And this fixed the dependency issue.yum install libvpx