Hi, has anyone seen these errors before in the system log? It's ZM 1.27 on CentOS 7 and an BT878 video capture card on /dev/video0.
'kernel: bttv: 0: timeout: drop=31600 irq=138887/138888, risc=c8acb01c, bits: HSYNC OFLOW'
About once a second. I've set fps=3 secs and 320x240, 8 bit grey scale.
Thanks! Philip.
bttv errors in system log
bttv errors in system log
Re: bttv errors in system log
Yeah I have them... there is a module parameter to turn them down..... google v4l bttv parameters for details.
modern v4l development is unfortunately less than optimally documented.
modern v4l development is unfortunately less than optimally documented.