Extremely Slow Web Interface

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Extremely Slow Web Interface

Post by drose25 »

I've had this problem for awhile but it seems to be getting worse. Some days the web UI works fine, super speedy and responsive as I'd expect from a device on the lan. Other times it takes 30-120 seconds for it to respond. I cannot figure out why. I didn't find anything on the forums here in a search, but I'm hoping someone might have some insight.

Server load is normal during these times. I use NX Server to open remote sessions with the server and I can get a full 1920x1080 graphical virtual desktop that is as responsive as my own PC at the same time as the web UI is crawling like a turtle so it's not a network or cpu issue.

If I try to open a camera window during one of these times it may take 30+ seconds for the window to open and connect, but once it does the video streams normally -- no noticeable delays.

Restarting ZoneMinder or Apache will sometimes fix the problem immediately but just temporarily -- it often returns in just a minute or two.

I'm wondering if there's a mysql issue or some other ZM specific problem on the machine since nothing else seems to be affected at these times. It's not doing a disk purge at these times, either.
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Re: Extremely Slow Web Interface

Post by Joseph »

I've the same issue.
I think it is something on the LAN side, because If I open a Webbrowser on the local machine, it works really fast.
On a remote machine, sometimes it is very, very fast and sometimes it tooks up to 30 seconds.
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Re: Extremely Slow Web Interface

Post by iconnor »

Do you have a live stream open?

There is an issue (fixed in master dev branch) where there is a lock on the php session, so having a stream running prevents other windows from updating.

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Re: Extremely Slow Web Interface

Post by gnocera »

Hi iconnor,

Maybe I understood wrong.

If we have a zoneminder 1.28.1 already installed, how can we fix this with the master branch?
Because as a matter of fact some time there is a delay happens.

We are using firefox with the zoneminder plugin.

iconnor wrote:Do you have a live stream open?

There is an issue (fixed in master dev branch) where there is a lock on the php session, so having a stream running prevents other windows from updating.

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Re: Extremely Slow Web Interface

Post by ihr »


I have got a similar problem. When replaying an event it is sometimes very slow at updating the progress bar, and comming to an end (the pause-button turns green). At the same time the progress-time shows some funny numbers like 15:26.34:40s.
I'm running zm ver 1.28.1 on Ubuntu 14.04LTS server edition (upgraded from ver. 12.04LTS without any change in behaviour).
I have noticed an enormous number (>50) of Apache2 instances has been spawned when the lockup occurs. I don't know if this is the course or the result of the problem!

Does anybody have a clue as to what could be the problem.

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Re: Extremely Slow Web Interface

Post by ihr »

Hi again,

In order to rule-out any OS (and HW for that matter) dependancy, I have installed CentOS-7 in an virtual machine (wmvare workstation on Win-7) with zoneminder 1.28.1 from zmrepo and this has exatly the same problem. After a while zoneminder locks-up and an enormous amount of Apache (in CentOS called httpd) has been spawned from a single parent.
It seems somehow to be connected with zoneminder as this installation has a completely different HW and OS as my first entry!

Regards :cry: