I've got ZoneMinder v1.25.0 up and running on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, virtualized under XenServer on a 2U Dell PowerEdge.
The ZoneMinder VM has (4) VCPU's @ 2.00GHz and 16GB of DDR2 667MHz memory.
I currently have a total of (11) cameras setup, all of them are Ubiquiti airCam models capable of 720p recording. They have been configured according to: http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.php/Ubiquiti
I have two cronjobs configured which switch the cameras to/from "Monitor" (before the work day begins) and "Modect" (after employees leave).
When all cameras are in "Modect" mode, the server CPU load spikes to 99% (seen from XenServer VM overview) and all of the cameras record "bogus" events, i.e., the image is mangled therefore causing the camera to begin recording despite there not actually being any motion. However when I open the camera's RTSP stream in VLC or some other media player, the image is perfect.
I cannot attach a screenshot because "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached." and I can't post a URL to Imgur because I'm a new user. So if someone would like to post the URL to the example screencap for me, that'd be great-- just shoot me a PM and I'll send you the Imgur link.
My next step is to remove/disable all of my cameras and test the setup with just a few cameras configured to Modect and see if the images are able to be processed.
Is there any sort of configuration I should be looking into, or perhaps a later version of ZoneMinder that might perform better? Could Disk I/O be the bottleneck here? At this point I'm basically throwing darts so I'm just looking for some pointers as to what could cause this sort of behavior

Thanks a bunch!