When clicking an "alarm event" in the web interface, I get a broken image about 9 out of 10 times I try. If I press reload about 6-7 times, it will eventually start to work. Thought not always.
The log messages show the same error every time. That's the oddest part of this error, it usually happens, but I can manage to get it to function when I reload it a bunch.
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2015-10-06 09:50:09.468056 zms 7080 ERR Can't open /mnt/data/wwwroot/home/htdocs/zm//events/4/15/10/06/14/49/31/00001-capture.jpg: No such file or directory zm_event.cpp 1254
2015-10-06 09:50:08.133854 zms 7067 ERR Can't open /mnt/data/wwwroot/home/htdocs/zm//events/4/15/10/06/14/49/31/00001-capture.jpg: No such file or directory zm_event.cpp 1254
2015-10-06 09:50:07.806374 web_js 6538 ERR getCmdResponse stream error: socket_sendto( /var/lib/zm/socks/zms-355167s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory - checkStreamForErrors() ?view=event
2015-10-06 09:50:07.702617 web_php 6538 ERR socket_sendto( /var/lib/zm/socks/zms-355167s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory zm/includes/functions.php 2347
2015-10-06 09:50:05.511265 zms 6781 ERR Can't open /mnt/data/wwwroot/home/htdocs/zm//events/4/15/10/06/14/49/31/00001-capture.jpg: No such file or directory zm_event.cpp 125
camera 4. 2015-10-06 @ 14:49:31.
But, the event I selected in the webitererface is actually dated
camera 4. 2015-10-06 @ 08:49:31.
exactly 6 hours out of sync.
The timezone of my server is -6 (Central US). Seems like a perfect coincidence to me.
If I look into the events file system, the expected 08:49:31 files DOES exist. Leading me more to think its a TZ issue.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
/etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Central
Code: Select all
date.timezone = "US/Central"
I've tried both ZM 1.28.1 (official release for my distro) and the latest from git. 1.28.107
I've tried switching nph-zms and normal zms. No change.
ZoneMinder 1.28.107
Linux castle 4.1.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Aug 17 08:52:28 CEST 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux
mariadb 10.0.21-3
PHP 5.6.13
Apache 2.4.16-1
Linux soze 4.1.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Aug 17 08:52:28 CEST 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Chrome(x64) or Firefox(x32) Browsers.
Thanks for any insight or help you can provide.