No Video (all else is fine) new install

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No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by teraquad »


I just completed a new installation of 1.28. it all appears to work except i have no video. I have had an easy time of it since i used 1.24 and 1.25 some years ago. I am certain the cameras are working as i get events when they occur and the console is working well.

The log says:[ invalid response status 404 : not found and unable to get response.

Any help with this would be much appropriated

Thanks, George....
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by aaronl »

404 is a standard http response code for "not found". It sounds like the url to your camera's video feed is incorrect.
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by PacoLM »

Try adding a /zm to your web path, for instance:

After more than 15 years, no longer using ZM as surveillance system.
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by teraquad »

I guess i am not being clear. I have the console with no problems. In fact i have 2 cameras with 30 some events each. that tells me that they are working, just not showing the video. I have 2 cameras that are not working and i presume to be the ones reporting as not found. the other 2 behave just fine and are the ones i am looking at. In fact i just deleted both dead ones and now all i have for a log is frame rates of 11 and 12 .

I am pretty sure the cameras are set up correctly and are running fine. Just missing video on the console.

Thanks! George....
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by amckay »

Hmmm, see my solution in the thread for the Foscam 9900 - could it be something like that?

Because my problem was pretty much exactly what you are experiencing.
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by asker »

It's very hard to help you with just one line of a log.
1. Please post a snapshot of the general/source tabs of the camera settings (please mask IP/passwords as fit)
2. Please post detailed logs - please don't cherry pick only the final error message
3. When trying to view a live view, take a look at your apache error logs -- please post those logs too
I no longer work on zmNinja, zmeventnotification, pyzm or mlapi. I may respond on occasion based on my available time/interest.

Please read before posting:
How to set up logging properly
How to troubleshoot and report - ES
How to troubleshoot and report - zmNinja
ES docs
zmNinja docs
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by teraquad »


Here is the log file as it came up this morning. Not only are there frame rates but also some errors. Perhaps they will be helpful. This is an older machine but at 2.8 Ghz and 2 Gb ram it should work just fine I would think. Meanwhile I will do some studying on the problem and see what comes up.

Code: Select all

2015-11-20 07:37:07.219888	zma_m4	3638	INF	Driveway: 4000 - Processing at 10.53 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-20 07:37:06.032307	zmc_m4	3608	INF	Driveway: 4000 - Capturing at 10.64 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-20 07:36:15.862541	zma_m2	3542	INF	Barn: 3000 - Processing at 11.63 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-20 07:36:15.045051	zmc_m2	3513	INF	Barn: 3000 - Capturing at 11.63 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-20 07:35:32.914526	zma_m4	3638	INF	Driveway: 3000 - Processing at 14.49 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-20 07:35:32.190149	zmc_m4	3608	INF	Driveway: 3000 - Capturing at 14.29 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-20 07:34:49.798555	zma_m2	3542	INF	Barn: 2000 - Processing at 12.05 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-20 07:34:49.289053	zmc_m2	3513	INF	Barn: 2000 - Capturing at 11.90 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-20 07:34:23.070070	zma_m4	3638	INF	Driveway: 2000 - Processing at 14.29 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-20 07:34:22.358254	zmc_m4	3608	INF	Driveway: 2000 - Capturing at 14.49 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-20 07:33:26.485857	zma_m2	3542	INF	Barn: 1000 - Processing at 12.05 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-20 07:33:25.961976	zmc_m2	3513	INF	Barn: 1000 - Capturing at 12.05 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-20 07:33:13.879120	zma_m4	3638	INF	Driveway: 1000 - Processing at 14.49 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-20 07:33:13.232376	zmc_m4	3608	INF	Driveway: 1000 - Capturing at 14.29 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-20 07:32:42.677049	web_php	3065	ERR	socket_sendto( /var/lib/zoneminder/sock/zms-777685s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory	/usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php	2330
2015-11-20 07:32:32.458735	web_php	3061	ERR	socket_sendto( /var/lib/zoneminder/sock/zms-777685s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory	/usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php	2330
2015-11-20 07:32:08.026970	zmaudit	3755	INF	deleting	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.968990	zmaudit	3755	INF	Filesystem event '4/70' does not exist in database	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.799930	zmaudit	3755	INF	deleting	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.744460	zmaudit	3755	INF	Filesystem event '2/69' does not exist in database	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.572190	zmaudit	3755	INF	deleting	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.538310	zmaudit	3755	INF	Found empty event with no frame records '70'	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.454460	zmwatch	3822	INF	Watchdog pausing for 30 seconds	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.377170	zmwatch	3822	INF	Watchdog starting	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.287120	zmdc	3877	INF	' -c' started at 15/11/20 02:32:07	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.283820	zmdc	3297	INF	' -c' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:07, pid = 3877	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.228670	zmaudit	3755	INF	deleting	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.103530	zmaudit	3755	INF	Found empty event with no frame records '69'	
2015-11-20 07:32:07.006000	zmfilter	3692	INF	Scanning for events	
2015-11-20 07:32:06.464130	zmdc	3822	INF	'' started at 15/11/20 02:32:06	
2015-11-20 07:32:06.452360	zmdc	3297	INF	'' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:06, pid = 3822	
2015-11-20 07:32:06.111177	zma_m4	3638	INF	Driveway: 026 - Opening new event 72, section start	zm_monitor.cpp	1405
2015-11-20 07:32:05.449330	zmdc	3297	INF	' -c' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:05, pid = 3755	
2015-11-20 07:32:05.445300	zmdc	3755	INF	' -c' started at 15/11/20 02:32:05	
2015-11-20 07:32:05.285081	zma_m2	3542	INF	Barn: 026 - Opening new event 71, section start	zm_monitor.cpp	1405
2015-11-20 07:32:04.665760	zmdc	3692	INF	'' started at 15/11/20 02:32:04	
2015-11-20 07:32:04.663930	zmdc	3297	INF	'' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:04, pid = 3692	
2015-11-20 07:32:04.271514	zma_m4	3638	INF	In mode 5/1, warming up	zma.cpp	105
2015-11-20 07:32:04.094100	zmdc	3638	INF	'zma -m 4' started at 15/11/20 02:32:04	
2015-11-20 07:32:04.091050	zmdc	3297	INF	'zma -m 4' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:04, pid = 3638	
2015-11-20 07:32:03.976522	zmc_m4	3608	INF	Starting Capture	zmc.cpp	195
2015-11-20 07:32:03.727740	zmdc	3608	INF	'zmc -m 4' started at 15/11/20 02:32:03	
2015-11-20 07:32:03.724880	zmdc	3297	INF	'zmc -m 4' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:03, pid = 3608	
2015-11-20 07:32:03.686750	zmdc	3297	INF	Starting pending process, zmc -m 4	
2015-11-20 07:32:03.654910	zmdc	3297	ERR	'zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255	
2015-11-20 07:32:03.530790	zmdc	3587	INF	'zmc -m 4' started at 15/11/20 02:32:03	
2015-11-20 07:32:03.528550	zmdc	3297	INF	'zmc -m 4' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:03, pid = 3587	
2015-11-20 07:32:03.201007	zma_m2	3542	INF	In mode 5/1, warming up	zma.cpp	105
2015-11-20 07:32:03.052370	zmdc	3542	INF	'zma -m 2' started at 15/11/20 02:32:03	
2015-11-20 07:32:03.050130	zmdc	3297	INF	'zma -m 2' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:03, pid = 3542	
2015-11-20 07:32:02.983707	zmc_m2	3513	INF	Starting Capture	zmc.cpp	195
2015-11-20 07:32:02.767960	zmdc	3513	INF	'zmc -m 2' started at 15/11/20 02:32:02	
2015-11-20 07:32:02.755690	zmdc	3297	INF	'zmc -m 2' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:02, pid = 3513	
2015-11-20 07:32:02.718730	zmdc	3297	INF	Starting pending process, zmc -m 2	
2015-11-20 07:32:02.681720	zmdc	3297	ERR	'zmc -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255	
2015-11-20 07:32:02.499090	zmdc	3486	INF	'zmc -m 2' started at 15/11/20 02:32:02	
2015-11-20 07:32:02.496830	zmdc	3297	INF	'zmc -m 2' starting at 15/11/20 02:32:02, pid = 3486	
2015-11-20 07:31:59.119860	zmdc	3297	INF	Server starting at 15/11/20 02:31:59	
2015-11-20 07:31:57.945470	zmpkg	3162	INF	Command: start	
2015-11-20 07:31:10.056800	zmpkg	3033	INF	Command: start	
2015-11-19 22:00:09.702780	zmdc	3509	INF	' -c' exited, signal 14	
2015-11-19 22:00:08.802860	zmdc	3509	INF	'zmc -m 4' exited normally	
2015-11-19 22:00:07.850120	zmdc	3509	INF	' ' exited, signal 14	
2015-11-19 22:00:06.912790	zmdc	3509	INF	' -c' exited, signal 14	
2015-11-19 22:00:03.553070	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 244423 - Opening new event 69, section start	zm_monitor.cpp	1405
2015-11-19 22:00:03.277568	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 257843 - Opening new event 70, section start	zm_monitor.cpp	1405
2015-11-19 22:00:03.187150	zmdc	3509	INF	' ' exited, signal 14	
2015-11-19 22:00:02.994097	zma_m2	16888	INF	Got signal 1 (Hangup), reloading	zm_signal.cpp	34
2015-11-19 22:00:02.768946	zma_m4	15770	INF	Got signal 1 (Hangup), reloading	zm_signal.cpp	34
2015-11-19 22:00:02.395584	zma_m2	16888	INF	Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting	zm_signal.cpp	40
2015-11-19 22:00:02.182210	zma_m4	15770	INF	Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting	zm_signal.cpp	40
2015-11-19 22:00:00.185616	zmc_m4	15758	INF	Driveway: 260000 - Capturing at 14.29 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 22:00:00.046244	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 257843 - Closing event 67, section end	zm_monitor.cpp	1385
2015-11-19 22:00:00.026014	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 244423 - Closing event 68, section end	zm_monitor.cpp	1385
2015-11-19 21:59:51.928245	zmc_m2	16879	INF	Barn: 246000 - Capturing at 12.05 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:59:24.598591	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 244000 - Processing at 12.05 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:59:01.157303	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 257000 - Processing at 14.08 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:58:50.123327	zmc_m4	15758	INF	Driveway: 259000 - Capturing at 13.89 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:58:28.264397	zmc_m2	16879	INF	Barn: 245000 - Capturing at 11.90 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:58:01.079199	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 243000 - Processing at 11.90 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:57:50.961257	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 256000 - Processing at 12.20 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:57:38.749475	zmc_m4	15758	INF	Driveway: 258000 - Capturing at 12.05 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:57:04.789108	zmc_m2	16879	INF	Barn: 244000 - Capturing at 11.76 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:56:37.195839	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 242000 - Processing at 11.63 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:56:28.887504	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 255000 - Processing at 11.90 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:56:15.909121	zmc_m4	15758	INF	Driveway: 257000 - Capturing at 11.90 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:55:39.361169	zmc_m2	16879	INF	Barn: 243000 - Capturing at 11.49 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:55:11.023878	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 241000 - Processing at 11.49 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:55:04.278057	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 254000 - Processing at 11.49 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:54:51.497701	zmc_m4	15758	INF	Driveway: 256000 - Capturing at 11.63 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:54:12.693277	zmc_m2	16879	INF	Barn: 242000 - Capturing at 11.76 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:53:44.682098	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 240000 - Processing at 11.76 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:53:37.513931	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 253000 - Processing at 12.50 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:53:25.595248	zmc_m4	15758	INF	Driveway: 255000 - Capturing at 12.66 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:52:47.404315	zmc_m2	16879	INF	Barn: 241000 - Capturing at 11.90 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:52:19.641783	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 239000 - Processing at 12.05 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:52:17.081067	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 252000 - Processing at 14.08 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:52:06.341548	zmc_m4	15758	INF	Driveway: 254000 - Capturing at 13.89 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:51:23.740344	zmc_m2	16879	INF	Barn: 240000 - Capturing at 11.90 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:51:06.393971	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 251000 - Processing at 12.20 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:50:56.330591	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 238000 - Processing at 11.76 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	1160
2015-11-19 21:50:54.440409	zmc_m4	15758	INF	Driveway: 253000 - Capturing at 11.90 fps	zm_monitor.cpp	2907
2015-11-19 21:50:00.356735	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 237335 - Opening new event 68, section start	zm_monitor.cpp	1405
2015-11-19 21:50:00.246645	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 250187 - Opening new event 67, section start	zm_monitor.cpp	1405
2015-11-19 21:50:00.082273	zma_m2	16888	INF	Barn: 237335 - Closing event 65, section end	zm_monitor.cpp	1385
2015-11-19 21:50:00.003848	zma_m4	15770	INF	Driveway: 250187 - Closing event 66, section end	zm_monitor.cpp	1385
Thanks for the information perhaps this will help.

Thanks! george....
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by teraquad »

Here is the error log file.

Apache log file Error:

Code: Select all

[Thu Nov 19 04:53:12.842542 2015] [:error] [pid 4443] [client] PHP Warning:  strtotime(): Invalid date.timezone value 'America/New_York ', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php on line 1434, referer:
[Thu Nov 19 04:53:12.842587 2015] [:error] [pid 4443] [client] PHP Warning:  strftime(): Invalid date.timezone value 'America/New_York ', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php on line 1434, referer:
[Thu Nov 19 04:53:12.843983 2015] [:error] [pid 4443] [client] PHP Warning:  strtotime(): Invalid date.timezone value 'America/New_York ', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php on line 1434, referer:
[Thu Nov 19 04:53:12.844051 2015] [:error] [pid 4443] [client] PHP Warning:  strftime(): Invalid date.timezone value 'America/New_York ', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php on line 1434, referer:
[Thu Nov 19 04:53:12.844200 2015] [:error] [pid 4443] [client] PHP Warning:  strtotime(): Invalid date.timezone value 'America/New_York ', we selected the timezone 'UTC' for now. in /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php on line 1434, referer:
I hope this helps, I wonder where i fix this error.

Thanks george....
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by PacoLM »

After more than 15 years, no longer using ZM as surveillance system.
Now in the dark side, using a commercial system...
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by PacoLM »

find / -name php.ini

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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by teraquad »

find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied
find: ‘/run/user/42/gvfs’: Permission denied
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by knight-of-ni »

@teraquad I think I had helped you a year or two ago. At the time, you were running Fedora. Is this still the case?

If you are running a Redhat distro, you should install zoneminder via zmrepo:

Follow the instructions, exactly, and you should not have any problems. The timezone issue you posted previously, is documented in the instructions.
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by rockedge »

knnniggett wrote:@teraquad Follow the instructions, exactly, and you should not have any problems. The timezone issue you posted previously, is documented in the instructions.
I have this timezone error endlessly as well.
I need this fix for a Puppy Linux install. What is it exactly?
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by knight-of-ni » ... DME.Fedora

See item #4 under New Installs.
These instructions are specific to Fedora so the steps may not apply or may not be the same for your distro.
Visit my blog for ZoneMinder related projects using the Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Odroid, and the ESP8266
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Re: No Video (all else is fine) new install

Post by PacoLM »

sudo find / -name php.ini ;)

After more than 15 years, no longer using ZM as surveillance system.
Now in the dark side, using a commercial system...