systemctl start zoneminder.service
Job for zoneminder.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status zoneminder.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
This is probably because of the other zoneminder that was previously on your system.
If that doesn't fix it, then it is probably easier to just following the instructions in README.Fedora for a New Install. Note that it will recreate the database with a new, empty one.
Yes, that is the expected output (that's also exactly why I mentioned earlier not to turn off the Fedora repo entirely).
Because the zoneminder packages I build have every feature enabled, a yum install zoneminder will pull down and install a lot more dependencies than the zoneminder package from Fedora.
Just thought i would let you know that the camera i was so desperately trying to get working now works like a charm. it took about 30sec (no kidding) to make it work and the picture is beautiful. And that is low rez.
I can't thank you enough for setting me strait. Your patience is much appreciated. You can be sure i will be back but hopefully on another subject.