I have seen this post:
concerning zmodopipe
Does Zoneminder 1.28.1 still require that we use zmodopipe? The thread goes back to 2013.
And also another post somewhere else that gives a great deal of different things to try:
While in FFMPEG settings, it seems I can log in (line goes green), I can't seem to get any video from any of the channels.
Using Ubuntu 14.04
Zoneminder 1.28.1
Any help or thoughts ? The Zmodo sbn8 DVR, I tried the standard mobile port, the port I changed it to (8888), 554 and others after running nmap against it for open port discovery.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Zoneminder with Zmodo SBN8
Re: Zoneminder with Zmodo SBN8
Wow... 469 views, no responses.
Ok, let me reword it then.
Does Zomeminder 1.28.1 still require the zmodopipe fix as described in viewtopic.php?t=18137
Ok, let me reword it then.
Does Zomeminder 1.28.1 still require the zmodopipe fix as described in viewtopic.php?t=18137
Re: Zoneminder with Zmodo SBN8
Hi! This answer interests me too, because zmodopipe doesn´t work for me
Do you have any news? Is your DVR now working with zoneminder?
Do you have any news? Is your DVR now working with zoneminder?