I was thinking in using my ZM server to be able to send instant messages to my phone with the pictures or videos. I found some information about how to send instant messaging with WhatsApp, but the company has changed the auth process, so I moved to Telegram (http://www.telegram.org).
You need to install expect (apt-get install expect).
Right now, I have Telegram CLI working in my ZM server (easy, just followed some instructions detailed here https://github.com/vysheng/tg), and wrote a simple bash script that allows me to send a message and a picture of the event.
This is the script, adapted from many different sources on the web:
Code: Select all
set user [lindex $argv 0]
set text [lindex $argv 1]
set image [lindex $argv 2]
set video [lindex $argv 3]
# this is the path where telegram CLI is installed and the public key for the server
spawn /usr/src/telegram/tg-master/telegram -k /usr/src/telegram/tg-master/tg.pub
expect "User"
send "msg $user $text\r"
send "send_photo $user $image\r"
send "send_video $user $video\r"
expect "Sent:"
send "safe_quit\r"
expect eof