Just a Tutorial - Raspberry 2

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Just a Tutorial - Raspberry 2

Post by Fugt41 »

Hey Guys,

I have no knowledge about coding or expierience with a raspberry pi, but im also not dumb af..

But the last 4 Days i tried to put up a simple recorder. and i failed.

These are my Components:
1 Raspberry Pi 2 with Rasbian from noobs v1.4.1. i Just reinstalled it - so it have no additional packages installed!
2 IP Outdoorcameras - more information from theamazon site
1 Flashdrive, the Flashdrive should be in an Windows readable format after the setup.

The Plan:
The Raspberry should fetch the stream in its best resolution (1920 x 1080 h.264) and save them on the flashdrive every hour. (one file=1hour). For example:
flashdrive/camera1/2016-01-28 11:00
flashdrive/camera2/2016-01-28 11:00

Every day the raspberry should delet old files (maybe when the storage will get full or older than 5 days videos)

I tried to accomplishe the mission by getting the rtsp stream with zoneminder (1.26) motion and vlc but nothing worked correctly
Many Tutorials are outdated or writen with "just %makesomecoding% - its selfsigned..." and i can't handle this..

Can you write or refere me to an Tutorial where i can see:
- What packages i should install
- how i have to configure the .conf files
- set up a script for file deletion
- configure zm (or some other software) stepbystep

Thanks for everyone trying to help me
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Re: Just a Tutorial - Raspberry 2

Post by iconnor »

If you are grabbing every hour, don't bother with the h264 stream. Use the jpg snapshot URL.
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Re: Just a Tutorial - Raspberry 2

Post by knight-of-ni »

I can't think of a better place to start than to read the documentation found in the WiKi:

Follow those steps exactly. Don't skip any steps.

If you still experience trouble, then read the forum rules on how to ask for help:

Then tell us exactly what you are attempting to do (screenshots or copy/paste commands you entered) and what the output was (screenshots and/or log files). We need real data. Stating things "aren't working" is not helpful. None of us here are magicians so you will need to provide real data indicating what kind of problem you are experiencing.
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