I have no knowledge about coding or expierience with a raspberry pi, but im also not dumb af..
But the last 4 Days i tried to put up a simple recorder. and i failed.
These are my Components:
1 Raspberry Pi 2 with Rasbian from noobs v1.4.1. i Just reinstalled it - so it have no additional packages installed!
2 IP Outdoorcameras - more information from theamazon site
1 Flashdrive, the Flashdrive should be in an Windows readable format after the setup.
The Plan:
The Raspberry should fetch the stream in its best resolution (1920 x 1080 h.264) and save them on the flashdrive every hour. (one file=1hour). For example:
flashdrive/camera1/2016-01-28 11:00
flashdrive/camera2/2016-01-28 11:00
Every day the raspberry should delet old files (maybe when the storage will get full or older than 5 days videos)
I tried to accomplishe the mission by getting the rtsp stream with zoneminder (1.26) motion and vlc but nothing worked correctly
Many Tutorials are outdated or writen with "just %makesomecoding% - its selfsigned..." and i can't handle this..
Can you write or refere me to an Tutorial where i can see:
- What packages i should install
- how i have to configure the .conf files
- set up a script for file deletion
- configure zm (or some other software) stepbystep
Thanks for everyone trying to help me