I am running zoneminder 1.22.3 on gentoo
The grabber shows up in /dev and I've tried setting the source to local with the correct resolution (in this case 1280x1024), I've tried all the device format options. Have the channel set to 0 and the palette set to RGB24, but I get nothing.
I ended up using transcode to convert the feed into jpegs. I then wrote a little python script to serve up the latest frame on port 81. I then set the monitor up as an IP camera and it works OK, except for the fact that it locks the whole machine up if it is running on the same machine as ZM (sometimes in a few minutes, sometimes in a few days).
I know there has to be a cleaner solution. The driver for the grabber uses v4l just like ZM. Some have suggested using vloopback/vpipe like in this thread (http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10766). I'm not exactly sure how this would work. I don't know how I would have ffmpeg interact with the grabber.
Here are some examples of mplayer/mencoder and transcode working with the device.
Code: Select all
transcode -x v4l,null --use_rgb -i /dev/video8 -f 3 -g 1280x1024 -y raw,null -z -r 2 -f 10 -o /test999.mpeg
transcode -x v4l,null --use_rgb -i /dev/video8 -g 1280x1024 -y jpg,null -k -o /pictures/pic
mplayer -tv driver=v4l:outfmt=rgb24:device=/dev/video7 -flip tv://
mplayer -tv driver=v4l:outfmt=rgb24:device=/dev/video8 -flip -vo jpeg /var/www/localhost/htdocs/framgrabber/
mencoder \
-oac lavc \
-ovc lavc \
-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:keyint=100:vbitrate=8000:vhq \
-noaspect -flip \
-o test.avi \
-tv noaudio:driver=v4l:outfmt=bgr24:device=/dev/video0 \