I am looking to setup different actions when different zones on the same monitor are triggered.
I have a high sensitivity zone that triggers recording and I want these emailed.
I also have a low sensitivity zone that triggers recording but I want these sent by SMS.
Email and SMS are already setup and working, I'm just looking for a way to configure the filters.
Any help appreciated.
Email Events When Zone Triggered, SMS When Different Zone Triggered
Re: Email Events When Zone Triggered, SMS When Different Zone Triggered
So far I can only trigger for a general cause:
"Cause" "equal to" "Motion"
What I want is
"Cause" "equal to" "Motion: Lane"
"Cause" "equal to" "Motion"
What I want is
"Cause" "equal to" "Motion: Lane"
Re: Email Events When Zone Triggered, SMS When Different Zone Triggered
OK so by playing around with the filters I found that the "Notes" field actually contains the zone.
This seems to work for me
"Notes" "equal to" "Motion: Lane"
This seems to work for me
"Notes" "equal to" "Motion: Lane"
Re: Email Events When Zone Triggered, SMS When Different Zone Triggered
hallo, what if using sms gateway to do notification against zoneminder ?, i've searched on the website but there is no sms gateway configuration with zoneminder. please help me, because the configuration will be my final project. thank you
Re: Email Events When Zone Triggered, SMS When Different Zone Triggered
there is a sms config in the Options->Email section I think the second set of choices in the settings for email concern the sms message part.
Re: Email Events When Zone Triggered, SMS When Different Zone Triggered
I have been using zoneminder for years and years and never realised the notes section included the actual motion zone so now I can trigger emails on specific zones only and it works perfectly on zm 130.4