Time-based configuration options...

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Time-based configuration options...

Post by snakebyte »

Any chance of getting something that could change the filter zones depending on the time of day? For instance, when the sprinkler system turns on, have it not trigger?
Also, is it possible to turn off certain monitors depending on the time of day? say when it's night and there are no lights outside (except for cars driving past). I suppose I could add some cron entries to start or stop the zm service, but that would affect all monitors.
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Re: Time-based configuration options...

Post by algenon »

As an addition to this, would it be possible to add a filter based on the output of sscalc.

sscalc is a programme that could be run from cron once a day. It takes as an argument Lat/Long and outputs sunset/sunrise times.

This would solve a few problems for me, but I am not a Perl expert.

Any possibility Philip?

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Re: Time-based configuration options...

Post by zoneminder »

In version .16 (the latest one, not the betas) you can define 'run states'. These are saved (or created) sets of monitor functions, so for example 'WatchAll' might be all your monitors just watching with no motion detection and 'OutdoorMotion' might be your outdoor cameras in motion detect mode whilst indoor ones are just watching etc. Once you set these states up (usually by saving when your cameras are in the individual states you want for them) you can change the system state by doing,

zmpkg.pl <StateName>

It should then be simple to add this to a cron job and also be pretty easy to create a custom perl script which calculates sunrise etc and executes a simple command like this.


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