Source Type cURL doesn't work in 1.29

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Posts: 269
Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:39 am
Location: Boston USA

Source Type cURL doesn't work in 1.29

Post by mrd »

I can't seem to get any monitors that use a Source type = cURL.

I have the same cameras working on a ZM 1.28.107 install side by side. The monitor configs are identical and both are running on Ubuntu 14.04.

I thought that the fact that ffmpeg was not installed on the new 1.29 system was the problem and I was able to install it and enable it in the image config, but there was no change. I see nothing useful in the syslog either.

Any help or idea would be appreciated. I was hoping to cut over to the new system and enjoy the fixes and improvements in 1.29, but no luck.

Here is a log excerpt as ZM starts:
Apr 20 21:39:17 system-z zmpkg[31065]: INF [Sanity checking States table...]
Apr 20 21:39:17 system-z zmpkg[31065]: INF [Command: start]
Apr 20 21:39:17 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Server starting at 16/04/20 21:39:17]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmpkg[31065]: INF [Starting up services]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:20, pid = 31100]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31100]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 16/04/20 21:39:20]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z undef[31100]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 1]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31105]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 16/04/20 21:39:20]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:20, pid = 31105]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z undef[31105]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 2' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:20, pid = 31109]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31109]: INF ['zmc -m 2' started at 16/04/20 21:39:20]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z undef[31109]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmc[31105]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 2]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmc[31105]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 2' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:20, pid = 31113]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31113]: INF ['zmc -m 2' started at 16/04/20 21:39:20]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31115]: INF ['zmc -m 3' started at 16/04/20 21:39:20]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 3' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:20, pid = 31115]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z undef[31113]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z undef[31115]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 3' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmc[31113]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 3]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31120]: INF ['zmc -m 3' started at 16/04/20 21:39:20]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 3' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:20, pid = 31120]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z undef[31120]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31123]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/04/20 21:39:20]
Apr 20 21:39:20 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:20, pid = 31123]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31120]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31123]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 4]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31130]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31130]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31130]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 5' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31134]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31134]: INF ['zmc -m 5' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31130]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31130]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31134]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 5' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 5]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31141]: INF ['zmc -m 5' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 5' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31141]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31141]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 6' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31144]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31144]: INF ['zmc -m 6' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31144]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 6' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31141]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 6]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31141]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 5' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31150]: INF ['zmc -m 6' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 6' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31150]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31153]: INF ['zmc -m 7' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 7' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31153]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31150]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31153]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 7' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31150]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 7]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31150]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 6' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31159]: INF ['zmc -m 7' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 7' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31159]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 8' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31161]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31161]: INF ['zmc -m 8' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31159]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31161]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 8' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 8]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31166]: INF ['zmc -m 8' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 8' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31166]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31159]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31166]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 9' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31170]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31170]: INF ['zmc -m 9' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31166]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31170]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 9' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 9]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31175]: INF ['zmc -m 9' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 9' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31175]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31175]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31179]: INF ['zmc -m 10' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 10' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31179]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31175]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31179]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 10' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 10]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 10' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31185]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31185]: INF ['zmc -m 10' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z undef[31185]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31188]: INF ['' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31188]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmc[31185]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31196]: INF [' -c' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [' -c' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31196]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmfilter[31188]: INF [Scanning for events]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:21, pid = 31204]
Apr 20 21:39:21 system-z zmdc[31204]: INF ['' started at 16/04/20 21:39:21]
Apr 20 21:39:22 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [' -c' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:22, pid = 31211]
Apr 20 21:39:22 system-z zmdc[31211]: INF [' -c' started at 16/04/20 21:39:22]
Apr 20 21:39:22 system-z zmwatch[31204]: INF [Watchdog starting]
Apr 20 21:39:22 system-z zmwatch[31204]: INF [Watchdog pausing for 30 seconds]
Apr 20 21:39:24 system-z zmc[31159]: WAR [Can't find payload details for audio payload type 98, name MPEG4-GENERIC]
Apr 20 21:39:25 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 1]
Apr 20 21:39:25 system-z zmdc[31229]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 16/04/20 21:39:25]
Apr 20 21:39:25 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:25, pid = 31229]
Apr 20 21:39:25 system-z undef[31229]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:25 system-z zmc[31229]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:25 system-z zmc[31229]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:25 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:25 system-z zmc[31159]: WAR [Sequence in probation 2, out of sequence]
Apr 20 21:39:25 system-z zmc[31159]: WAR [Discarding frame 0]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 5]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 5' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:26, pid = 31232]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31232]: INF ['zmc -m 5' started at 16/04/20 21:39:26]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 4]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:26, pid = 31233]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31233]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/04/20 21:39:26]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 6]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z undef[31232]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31239]: INF ['zmc -m 6' started at 16/04/20 21:39:26]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 6' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:26, pid = 31239]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z undef[31233]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmc[31232]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmc[31233]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmc[31232]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z undef[31239]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 5' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmc[31233]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmc[31239]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmc[31239]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:26 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 6' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:35 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 1]
Apr 20 21:39:35 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:35, pid = 31246]
Apr 20 21:39:35 system-z zmdc[31246]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 16/04/20 21:39:35]
Apr 20 21:39:35 system-z undef[31246]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:35 system-z zmc[31246]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:35 system-z zmc[31246]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:35 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 5]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31249]: INF ['zmc -m 5' started at 16/04/20 21:39:36]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 5' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:36, pid = 31249]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 4]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:36, pid = 31250]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31250]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/04/20 21:39:36]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z undef[31249]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 6]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 6' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:36, pid = 31254]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31254]: INF ['zmc -m 6' started at 16/04/20 21:39:36]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z undef[31250]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmc[31249]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmc[31249]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 5' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z undef[31254]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmc[31250]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmc[31250]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmc[31254]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmc[31254]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:36 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 6' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:55 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 1]
Apr 20 21:39:55 system-z zmdc[31258]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 16/04/20 21:39:55]
Apr 20 21:39:55 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:55, pid = 31258]
Apr 20 21:39:55 system-z undef[31258]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:55 system-z zmc[31258]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:55 system-z zmc[31258]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:55 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 5]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 5' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:56, pid = 31261]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31261]: INF ['zmc -m 5' started at 16/04/20 21:39:56]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 4]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:56, pid = 31263]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31263]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/04/20 21:39:56]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 6]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z undef[31261]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31076]: INF ['zmc -m 6' starting at 16/04/20 21:39:56, pid = 31265]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31265]: INF ['zmc -m 6' started at 16/04/20 21:39:56]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z undef[31263]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmc[31261]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmc[31261]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 5' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z undef[31265]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmc[31263]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmc[31263]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmc[31265]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmc[31265]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmdc[31076]: ERR ['zmc -m 6' exited abnormally, exit status 255]

The monitors that work fine are, but are not using source type cURL:

The monitors that are having trouble and using source type cURL:
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Re: Source Type cURL doesn't work in 1.29

Post by knight-of-ni »

The curl source type does not depend on ffmpeg in any way.
It would be helpful to know why you are using the curl source type over the other source types. We also need to know the make/model of camera.

Libcurl is a bit of a niche, and is unlikely to be suitable for many. It only supports cameras that stream over HTTP(s). The trouble is, most modern camera support RTSP streams, and therefore are not compatible with libcurl by its very design.

Code: Select all

Apr 20 21:39:56 system-z zmc[31265]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
This error here simply means ZoneMinder did not receive a response compatible with the libcurl method. That means either the monitor configuration is not correct, the user credentials used are not right, or the camera doesn't support streams over HTTP(s).

In summary, here is what we need to know:
Have your tried other source types such as ffmpeg or libvlc? If so what were the results?
What is the make and model of the camera(s)?
What is the complete monitor config for one of the problem cameras?
Please turn your debug up to level 8, restart zoneminder, and paste what you see from the moment zoneminder was started to just after errors appear. It would make things easier to read if you would temporarily turn off all your cameras but one of the ones with issues.
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Re: Source Type cURL doesn't work in 1.29

Post by mrd »

I am using the cURL source type because both camera types require digest authentication and as far as I know that was the main reason cURL was introduced and the only option in ZM to handle digest auth.

These are the two different cameras: ... NH-P6410BN

Here is one of the monitor configs for a Samsung camera type. The top one is from a working Zoneminder installation and the botton from the NON working installation. Both used the PPA method of install, but the working one has gone through at least one upgrade to ge to where it is today.

Working ZoneMinder install running 1.28.107 on Ubuntu 14.04
mysql> SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Name = "Living_Room";
| Id | Name | ServerId | Type | Function | Enabled | LinkedMonitors | Triggers | Device | Channel | Format | V4LMultiBuffer | V4LCapturesPerFrame | Protocol | Method | Host | Port | SubPath | Path | Options | User | Pass | Width | Height | Colours | Palette | Orientation | Deinterlacing | RTSPDescribe | Brightness | Contrast | Hue | Colour | EventPrefix | LabelFormat | LabelX | LabelY | LabelSize | ImageBufferCount | WarmupCount | PreEventCount | PostEventCount | StreamReplayBuffer | AlarmFrameCount | SectionLength | FrameSkip | MotionFrameSkip | AnalysisFPS | AnalysisUpdateDelay | MaxFPS | AlarmMaxFPS | FPSReportInterval | RefBlendPerc | AlarmRefBlendPerc | Controllable | ControlId | ControlDevice | ControlAddress | AutoStopTimeout | TrackMotion | TrackDelay | ReturnLocation | ReturnDelay | DefaultView | DefaultRate | DefaultScale | SignalCheckColour | WebColour | Exif | Sequence |
| 4 | Living_Room | 0 | cURL | Nodect | 1 | | | /dev/video0 | 0 | 255 | 0 | 1 | rtsp | rtpRtsp | admin:alexey555@ | 554 | | http://admin:1234@ ... 6&frate=10 | | | | 800 | 450 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | Event- | %N - %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S %Q | 0 | 0 | 1 | 50 | 25 | 35 | 100 | 1000 | 1 | 600 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1000 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 0 | | | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | -1 | 0 | Events | 100 | 100 | #0000c0 | red | 0 | 4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Not working Zoneminder install running 1.29 on Ubuntu 14.04:
mysql> SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Name = "Living_Room";
| Id | Name | ServerId | Type | Function | Enabled | LinkedMonitors | Triggers | Device | Channel | Format | V4LMultiBuffer | V4LCapturesPerFrame | Protocol | Method | Host | Port | SubPath | Path | Options | User | Pass | Width | Height | Colours | Palette | Orientation | Deinterlacing | RTSPDescribe | Brightness | Contrast | Hue | Colour | EventPrefix | LabelFormat | LabelX | LabelY | LabelSize | ImageBufferCount | WarmupCount | PreEventCount | PostEventCount | StreamReplayBuffer | AlarmFrameCount | SectionLength | FrameSkip | MotionFrameSkip | AnalysisFPS | AnalysisUpdateDelay | MaxFPS | AlarmMaxFPS | FPSReportInterval | RefBlendPerc | AlarmRefBlendPerc | Controllable | ControlId | ControlDevice | ControlAddress | AutoStopTimeout | TrackMotion | TrackDelay | ReturnLocation | ReturnDelay | DefaultView | DefaultRate | DefaultScale | SignalCheckColour | WebColour | Exif | Sequence |
| 4 | Living_Room | 0 | cURL | Monitor | 1 | | | /dev/video0 | 0 | 255 | 0 | 1 | | | | 80 | | admin:1234@ &resolution=6&frate=10 | | admin | 1234 | 800 | 450 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | Event- | %N - %y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Q | 0 | 0 | 1 | 50 | 25 | 35 | 100 | 1000 | 1 | 600 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1000 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | -1 | 0 | Events | 100 | 100 | #0000c0 | red | 0 | 4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Here is the debug log output:
root@system-z:~# cat debug.out
Apr 23 08:16:23 system-z zmdc[1440]: INF [' -c' exited, signal 14]
Apr 23 08:16:23 system-z zmdc[1440]: INF ['' exited, signal 14]
Apr 23 08:16:34 system-z zmdc[1440]: INF [Server shutdown at 16/04/23 08:16:34]
Apr 23 08:17:01 system-z CRON[24151]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Apr 23 08:17:01 system-z CRON[24153]: (root) CMD (/root/bin/cron_scripts/ 2 "`/usr/bin/GET| sed 's/^.*TempF": "\([0-9][0-9]\.[0-9]\).*Humidity": "\([0-9][0-9]\).*/T=\1 H=\2% /g'`")
Apr 23 08:17:06 system-z postfix/pickup[23224]: 9C4569E1547: uid=0 from=<root>
Apr 23 08:17:06 system-z postfix/cleanup[23950]: 9C4569E1547: message-id=<20160423121706.9C4569E1547@system-z>
Apr 23 08:17:06 system-z postfix/qmgr[1286]: 9C4569E1547: from=<root@system-z>, size=689, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Apr 23 08:17:06 system-z postfix/local[23952]: 9C4569E1547: to=<root@system-z>, orig_to=<root>, relay=local, delay=0.03, delays=0.02/0/0/0.01, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to mailbox)
Apr 23 08:17:06 system-z postfix/qmgr[1286]: 9C4569E1547: removed
Apr 23 08:17:26 system-z zmpkg[24171]: INF [Sanity checking States table...]
Apr 23 08:17:26 system-z zmpkg[24171]: INF [Command: start]
Apr 23 08:17:27 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF [Server starting at 16/04/23 08:17:27]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmpkg[24171]: INF [Starting up services]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/04/23 08:17:30, pid = 24206]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24206]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/04/23 08:17:30]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z undef[24206]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24182]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 4]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/04/23 08:17:30, pid = 24211]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24211]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/04/23 08:17:30]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z undef[24211]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF ['' starting at 16/04/23 08:17:30, pid = 24215]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24215]: INF ['' started at 16/04/23 08:17:30]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmc[24211]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmc[24211]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24182]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24221]: INF [' -c' started at 16/04/23 08:17:30]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF [' -c' starting at 16/04/23 08:17:30, pid = 24221]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF ['' starting at 16/04/23 08:17:30, pid = 24227]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24227]: INF ['' started at 16/04/23 08:17:30]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmfilter[24215]: INF [Scanning for events]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmwatch[24227]: INF [Watchdog starting]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmwatch[24227]: INF [Watchdog pausing for 30 seconds]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24234]: INF [' -c' started at 16/04/23 08:17:30]
Apr 23 08:17:30 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF [' -c' starting at 16/04/23 08:17:30, pid = 24234]
Apr 23 08:17:35 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 4]
Apr 23 08:17:35 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/04/23 08:17:35, pid = 24252]
Apr 23 08:17:35 system-z zmdc[24252]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/04/23 08:17:35]
Apr 23 08:17:35 system-z undef[24252]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 23 08:17:35 system-z zmc[24252]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 23 08:17:35 system-z zmc[24252]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 23 08:17:35 system-z zmdc[24182]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Apr 23 08:17:45 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 4]
Apr 23 08:17:45 system-z zmdc[24182]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/04/23 08:17:45, pid = 24256]
Apr 23 08:17:45 system-z zmdc[24256]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/04/23 08:17:45]
Apr 23 08:17:45 system-z undef[24256]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Apr 23 08:17:45 system-z zmc[24256]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Apr 23 08:17:45 system-z zmc[24256]: FAT [Unable to match Content-Type. Check URL, username and password]
Apr 23 08:17:45 system-z zmdc[24182]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]

As you can hopefully now see, I logged a bug because I did a clean installation following the Ubuntu installation instructions explicitly (with a script so there are no human mistakes) and the monitor configs are identical, with the exception of the "turds" that are left over in the DB from using other configs that are no longer in use on the same monitor. That's another bug I was planning to log after verifying that it was still an issue in 1.29 and perhaps that is contributing to the problem here, but the other monitors do not have the "turds" and still have problems. The bottom line is that I see different behaviour between releases and unless we find some good reason for it, there was a regression or packing problem here. As I noted in the bug (that you closed as NOT A BUG) there was no -dev package pulled in for libcurl and the threads about integrating it with ZM mention that it is required. At the very least, that could be a packaging bug. Unfortunately, that didn't fix the issue though.

I'm not immune from making stupid mistakes and I do check the forums and currently opened bugs to see if I am hitting a known issue before logging new bugs. As a person who makes a living as a Test Automation Architect and a Developer/QA engineer, I take it seriously when I find something wrong because I work on enterprise storage systems. I have been involved with ZM for over 10 years and have seen it grown, but there is still an unfortunate barrier to entry for the more technically challenged when a clean install doesn't just work. I can fix things for sure, but I would like ZM to be better so I try to help (by logging real bugs). I appreciate any help I get too, but please assume that if I log a bug, there is at least a good chance that it is real.

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Re: Source Type cURL doesn't work in 1.29

Post by mrd »

Ok... after trying a bunch of things I seem to have the streams working now, but I'm not sure what exactly fixed it.
I will try a fresh install to see if it would work without adding the libcurl4-gnutls-dev:amd64 package that I thought was missing and required. I noticed that several of the monitors had "turds" sitting in the DB so I don't know how much of that caused my configurations to act funny, but I will verify that on the fresh install too.
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Re: Source Type cURL doesn't work in 1.29

Post by knight-of-ni »

I need to re-read your post again when I've got more time, but here is what I've got for now.

Check to make sure you really have debug enabled. Your log output is missing the debug statements. You should have several lines with "DB7", "DB8", etc. in addition to the mix of INF and ERR statements.

Look at the source code to see what I mean: ... camera.cpp

Notice the debug statements prior to line 294. You should see these in your logs. It will shed some light on why it gives up when it reaches line 294 with "Unable to match Content-Type". Also note that the most recent change to the curl source type was back in July, 2014.

You should only need the "-dev" packages when building zoneminder from source. <- and if you have ever built zoneminder from source on the machine you are using, that can cause issues after switching to a package due to an unclean environment.

Not sure what you mean by turds.

I get it that your cameras aren't working, and I get that you want it fixed. But consider for a moment, that we get several requests each week, just like yours, and they all more or less go like "I tried everything. Therefore it must be a bug". Well, no. That doesn't make it a bug, even if you get error messages in your log file. I'm not questioning your intelligence or your experience. I'm questioning your lack of data. So far the data indicates a basic failed connection to the camera, which is not something we can fix by changing the zoneminder source code (i.e. not a bug). I'll be glad to help you figure out the cause, but the best place to do that is here, in the user forum.
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Re: Source Type cURL doesn't work in 1.29

Post by knight-of-ni »

Curl is not the only source type that supports digest authentication.

Here is the cutsheet for your Axis Q1614 camera: ... n_1508.pdf

This camera is an H.264 camera with Onvif support. That means the ideal source type for this camera is ffmpeg. Digest authentication is supported with this source type.
You will need to know the RTSP url, and it looks like this camera supports several:

The first two, are from the manual: ... n_1407.pdf
The third is from Googling.

Since this camera claims Onvif compliance, the free Onvif Device Manager (Windows) application could also be used to sniff out valid rtsp urls for this camera.

Here is the manual and spec sheet for the Samsung SNH-P6410BN: ... Manual.pdf ... 51-196.pdf

Looks like you are trying to use a resolution of 800x450, which is atypical. This resolution is not stated in the camera spec sheet either. Make sure you get the resolution right, down to the exact pixel. Use a third party application like vlc to verify the resolution.

Onvif support is not stated, but it does support RTSP which means the ideal source type for this camera is again going to be ffmpeg. The following thread appears to have useful information regarding the RTPS url: ... .php?t=538

This user reports (eventual) success in using this camera with zoneminder:

If you really want to continue down the curl path, then we need to see the entire debug output, with the debug statements shown in the previsouly mentioned source code.
Visit my blog for ZoneMinder related projects using the Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Odroid, and the ESP8266
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Re: Source Type cURL doesn't work in 1.29

Post by mrd »

Thanks for the reply!

I'm not particular to any source type so now that you have told me that ffmpeg will work with digest auth I will give it a try.

I always use vlc to analyse the streams so that is where I came up with the odd resolution and it worked well on my other instance of ZM so I assumed it should also work on 1.29 fine. In fact it does now, but perhaps when I try using ffmpeg and rtsp I will find a more standard resolution to use.

I am sure that Debug was enabled through the GUI, but agree that there were no obvious additional logs being output. I did restart ZM, but did not reboot the box. I will retest that and make sure I'm not missing something. I simply enabled DEBUG logging (check box) and set the level to 8.

I have not tried to build on the same machine so other than installing ffmpeg and the -dev curl package it should be a pristine Ubuntu 14.04 install.

At this point it appears that my issues are most likely related to the order of operations that I did or that the cameras will not allow a second ZM instance to connect to their streams with some sort of timing issue. I was able to have both ZM instances working last night without changing anything in the monitor configurations. I simply stopped both ZM instances and restarted the 1.29 one first to allow all cameras on both instances to work correctly. No idea why that would matter or if things were just in a knot.

I will do a clean install and see if the "turds" I mentioned are still an issue in the DB. My issue there is that if I change a monitor to use another source type on my older ZM install 1.28.107, it leaves the unused DB fields populated with the information from the previous source type. ZM might happily ignore this stuff, but it sure makes it hard to see what is different when problems come up. I would think that when the form data is sent and the DB is changed, it would wipe out the unused/irrelevant fields back to defaults.