I found on the forums to detect from a left/right zone which direction moving is occuring...
Code: Select all
while :
do sudo zmu -m 1 -l
done | perl -pe 'BEGIN{$left=4;$right=3;} #set to the appropriate left/right mon ids
($id, $fn, $st) = split(/\s+/);
next unless $fn == 3 && $st < 2 && ($id == $left || $id == $right);
$st{$id} = $st;
if ($st{$left} > $st{$rite}) { print "car moving leftToRight\n"; }
elsif ($st{$rite} > $st{$left}) { print "car moving rightToLeft\n" }'
but I'm having a problem running zmu -m 1 -l, as it never seems to return a list. If I run zmu -l then I do get 2 entries, but I read that default monitor if not specified is '1' so don't understand as it seems to be '0' as zmu -m 0 also is the only thing which returns a list. I have two cameras and the mid's are 1 and 2. Is there anymore documentation beyond the output of --help ?
Many thanks