Zoneminder console not viewable outside of LAN

Forum for questions and support relating to the 1.29.x releases only.
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Joined: Tue May 31, 2016 2:24 pm

Zoneminder console not viewable outside of LAN

Post by QuasiMondo »

I'm not sure when this started, but I can't view the admin console from any external IP address anymore.

I'm running ZM 1.29 on Raspbian Jessie, and while I can see the console fine internally, when I try to access from the web, I'm getting a 404 error. I can view the default Apache webpage no problem, but not the ZM console.

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Re: Zoneminder console not viewable outside of LAN

Post by bbunge »

First guess I would say it is an Apache config problem. But the fact you can access it from within the LAN seems to rule that thought out. Any Apache updates recently?
Here is a link to the std Debian install: ... e_Easy_Way
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Joined: Tue May 31, 2016 2:24 pm

Re: Zoneminder console not viewable outside of LAN

Post by QuasiMondo »

Was able to get it corrected. Was a firewall issue. I have two servers running apache, one that I use to console in using Shell In a Box, and the other was ZM. I forgot to include port 8443 in the URL. It was trying to look for ZM on the Shell In a Box server.

I feel like a rookie on this one.