After doing all of those performance tests and leaving things where performance was best for the CPU, I'm noticing time gaps right around when a zone is triggered: ... autoplay=1
Here's a screen capture of motion through that same camera -- I was recording my screen while looking at my zones when a person jogged through. ... autoplay=1
Note no gaps -- nice clean video. She clearly is running through three of my zones.
and here's a screen capture of watching that event: ... autoplay=1
Here's an image of the zone layout:
And here's the /ONLY/ frame (out of 121) that alarmed, even though she ran through three zones:
Link to exported event: ... d/download
All red zones are "Active" and set to the preset "Best, High Sensitivity." All blue zones are "Preclusive" and set to the preset "Fast, High Sensitivity."
This time gap is happening from all my cameras now.
Time gap occurring when alarm triggers...
- Posts: 76
- Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:51 am
Time gap occurring when alarm triggers...
3 ReoLink RLC-410
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
- Posts: 76
- Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:51 am
Re: Time gap occurring when alarm triggers...
More details:
Monitor settings:
Jogger event:
Zone details for "FrontPath" Monitor:
Frame Details:
Monitor settings:
Code: Select all
$VAR1 = {
'LinkedMonitors' => '',
'Controllable' => '0',
'Device' => '/dev/video0',
'ServerId' => '0',
'AlarmMaxFPS' => '0.00',
'FrameSkip' => '0',
'V4LCapturesPerFrame' => '1',
'Method' => 'rtpRtsp',
'Deinterlacing' => '0',
'Host' => 'user:pass@ipaddress',
'PreEventCount' => '60',
'WarmupCount' => '30',
'Triggers' => '',
'AnalysisFPS' => '5.00',
'V4LMultiBuffer' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
'User' => '',
'LabelX' => '0',
'DefaultScale' => '75',
'Brightness' => '-1',
'StreamReplayBuffer' => '1000',
'TrackDelay' => '0',
'EventPrefix' => 'Event-',
'WebColour' => 'red',
'Palette' => '0',
'Id' => '4',
'ControlDevice' => '',
'Orientation' => '0',
'TrackMotion' => '0',
'Protocol' => 'rtsp',
'ControlAddress' => '',
'Name' => 'FrontPath',
'Sequence' => '2',
'Options' => '',
'ControlId' => '0',
'Contrast' => '-1',
'LabelSize' => '2',
'Pass' => '',
'AlarmRefBlendPerc' => '12',
'Function' => 'Modect',
'Format' => '255',
'Colours' => '4',
'Type' => 'Ffmpeg',
'Colour' => '-1',
'SignalCheckColour' => '#0000c0',
'DefaultView' => 'Events',
'LabelY' => '0',
'Enabled' => '1',
'Height' => '1080',
'FPSReportInterval' => '10000',
'RefBlendPerc' => '12',
'ImageBufferCount' => '200',
'MotionFrameSkip' => '0',
'Path' => 'rtsp://user:pass@ipaddress',
'Exif' => $VAR1->{'V4LMultiBuffer'},
'PostEventCount' => '60',
'Width' => '1920',
'AlarmFrameCount' => '1',
'SubPath' => '',
'Hue' => '-1',
'DefaultRate' => '100',
'SectionLength' => '600',
'MaxFPS' => '0.00',
'ReturnDelay' => '0',
'Port' => '554',
'Channel' => '0',
'ReturnLocation' => '-1',
'RTSPDescribe' => $VAR1->{'V4LMultiBuffer'},
'LabelFormat' => '%N - %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S',
'AnalysisUpdateDelay' => '0',
'AutoStopTimeout' => '0.00'
Code: Select all
'AvgScore' => '5',
'Videoed' => '0',
'Archived' => '1',
'Width' => '1920',
'Uploaded' => '0',
'MaxScore' => '5',
'StartTime' => '2016-10-30 16:58:34',
'Frames' => '121',
'Emailed' => '0',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Notes' => 'Motion: LowerSidewalk',
'Id' => 137390,
'TotScore' => '5',
'Height' => '1080',
'Executed' => '0',
'Cause' => 'Motion',
'Messaged' => '0',
'Length' => '26.34',
'AlarmFrames' => '1',
'EndTime' => '2016-10-30 16:59:01',
'Name' => 'Event-137390'
Code: Select all
UpperStreetTraffic1 (Used to ignore headlights)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => undef,
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => undef,
'Coords' => '531,50 708,41 708,80 533,73',
'CheckMethod' => 'AlarmedPixels',
'Type' => 'Preclusive',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => undef,
'MinFilterPixels' => undef,
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '9',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => undef,
'MinAlarmPixels' => '272',
'MinBlobs' => undef,
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => undef,
'Area' => '5457',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'UpperStreetTraffic1',
'FilterX' => undef
LowerSidewalk (Used to detect foot traffic)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => '0',
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => '3',
'Coords' => '1649,518 1801,566 1775,616 1608,564',
'CheckMethod' => 'Blobs',
'Type' => 'Active',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => '466',
'MinFilterPixels' => '559',
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '15',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => '0',
'MinAlarmPixels' => '746',
'MinBlobs' => '1',
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => '0',
'Area' => '9331',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'LowerSidewalk',
'FilterX' => '3'
UpperWall (Used to detect camera toggle from b&w/color, and neighbors motion detection spotlights)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => '0',
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => '3',
'Coords' => '8,116 523,29 526,89 1,196',
'CheckMethod' => 'AlarmedPixels',
'Type' => 'Preclusive',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => '1799',
'MinFilterPixels' => '2159',
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '16',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => '0',
'MinAlarmPixels' => '1799',
'MinBlobs' => '1',
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => '0',
'Area' => '35988',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'UpperWall',
'FilterX' => '3'
FrontSteps (Used to detect foot traffic)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => '0',
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => '3',
'Coords' => '254,774 406,760 532,922 280,943',
'CheckMethod' => 'Blobs',
'Type' => 'Active',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => '1738',
'MinFilterPixels' => '2085',
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '17',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => '0',
'MinAlarmPixels' => '2780',
'MinBlobs' => '1',
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => '0',
'Area' => '34761',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'FrontSteps',
'FilterX' => '3'
DrivewayCar (Used to detect foot traffic)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => '0',
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => '3',
'Coords' => '755,501 986,431 1015,471 745,545',
'CheckMethod' => 'Blobs',
'Type' => 'Active',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => '560',
'MinFilterPixels' => '672',
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '19',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => '0',
'MinAlarmPixels' => '896',
'MinBlobs' => '1',
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => '0',
'Area' => '11205',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'DrivewayCar',
'FilterX' => '3'
UpperSidewalk (Used to detect foot traffic)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => '0',
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => '7',
'Coords' => '542,226 648,251 585,272 542,265',
'CheckMethod' => 'Blobs',
'Type' => 'Active',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '60',
'MinBlobPixels' => '547',
'MinFilterPixels' => '657',
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '20',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => '0',
'MinAlarmPixels' => '985',
'MinBlobs' => '1',
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => '0',
'Area' => '2739',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'UpperSidewalk',
'FilterX' => '7'
LowerStreetTraffic (Used to ignore headlights)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => undef,
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => undef,
'Coords' => '1761,130 1918,167 1919,356 1724,295',
'CheckMethod' => 'AlarmedPixels',
'Type' => 'Preclusive',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => undef,
'MinFilterPixels' => undef,
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '60',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => undef,
'MinAlarmPixels' => '1601',
'MinBlobs' => undef,
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => undef,
'Area' => '32034',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'LowerStreetTraffic',
'FilterX' => undef
UpperStreetTraffic2 (Used to ignore headlights)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => undef,
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => undef,
'Coords' => '715,38 839,42 841,98 714,85',
'CheckMethod' => 'AlarmedPixels',
'Type' => 'Preclusive',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => undef,
'MinFilterPixels' => undef,
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '61',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => undef,
'MinAlarmPixels' => '322',
'MinBlobs' => undef,
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => undef,
'Area' => '6459',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'UpperStreetTraffic2',
'FilterX' => undef
Roof (Used to ignore clouds and fog passing under sunlight)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => undef,
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => undef,
'Coords' => '357,0 687,2 356,33',
'CheckMethod' => 'AlarmedPixels',
'Type' => 'Preclusive',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => undef,
'MinFilterPixels' => undef,
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '63',
'NumCoords' => '3',
'MaxBlobs' => undef,
'MinAlarmPixels' => '272',
'MinBlobs' => undef,
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => undef,
'Area' => '5446',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'Roof',
'FilterX' => undef
Grass (Used to ignore headlights)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => undef,
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => undef,
'Coords' => '1563,584 1609,602 1597,637 1536,616',
'CheckMethod' => 'AlarmedPixels',
'Type' => 'Preclusive',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => undef,
'MinFilterPixels' => undef,
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '64',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => undef,
'MinAlarmPixels' => '108',
'MinBlobs' => undef,
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => undef,
'Area' => '2173',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'Grass',
'FilterX' => undef
MiddleSidewalk (Used to detect foot traffic)
$VAR1 = {
'MaxFilterPixels' => '0',
'MaxPixelThreshold' => '0',
'FilterY' => '3',
'Coords' => '1230,393 1358,427 1296,461 1158,420',
'CheckMethod' => 'Blobs',
'Type' => 'Active',
'ExtendAlarmFrames' => '0',
'MinPixelThreshold' => '20',
'MinBlobPixels' => '328',
'MinFilterPixels' => '394',
'Units' => 'Percent',
'MonitorId' => '4',
'Id' => '68',
'NumCoords' => '4',
'MaxBlobs' => '0',
'MinAlarmPixels' => '525',
'MinBlobs' => '1',
'OverloadFrames' => '0',
'MaxBlobPixels' => '0',
'Area' => '6569',
'AlarmRGB' => '16711680',
'MaxAlarmPixels' => '0',
'Name' => 'MiddleSidewalk',
'FilterX' => '3'
Code: Select all
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:34',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768563',
'Delta' => '0.00',
'FrameId' => '1'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:34',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768564',
'Delta' => '0.14',
'FrameId' => '2'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:35',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768565',
'Delta' => '0.35',
'FrameId' => '3'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:35',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768566',
'Delta' => '0.50',
'FrameId' => '4'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:35',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768567',
'Delta' => '0.65',
'FrameId' => '5'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:35',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768568',
'Delta' => '0.85',
'FrameId' => '6'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:35',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768569',
'Delta' => '1.00',
'FrameId' => '7'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:35',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768570',
'Delta' => '1.14',
'FrameId' => '8'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:36',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768571',
'Delta' => '1.38',
'FrameId' => '9'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:36',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768572',
'Delta' => '1.52',
'FrameId' => '10'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:36',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768573',
'Delta' => '1.72',
'FrameId' => '11'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:36',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768574',
'Delta' => '1.88',
'FrameId' => '12'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:36',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768575',
'Delta' => '2.06',
'FrameId' => '13'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:37',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768576',
'Delta' => '2.28',
'FrameId' => '14'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:37',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768577',
'Delta' => '2.43',
'FrameId' => '15'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:37',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768578',
'Delta' => '2.57',
'FrameId' => '16'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:37',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768579',
'Delta' => '2.72',
'FrameId' => '17'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:37',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768580',
'Delta' => '2.94',
'FrameId' => '18'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:37',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768581',
'Delta' => '3.08',
'FrameId' => '19'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:38',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768582',
'Delta' => '3.29',
'FrameId' => '20'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:38',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768583',
'Delta' => '3.49',
'FrameId' => '21'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:38',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768584',
'Delta' => '3.65',
'FrameId' => '22'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:38',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768585',
'Delta' => '3.79',
'FrameId' => '23'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:38',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768586',
'Delta' => '3.99',
'FrameId' => '24'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:38',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768587',
'Delta' => '4.14',
'FrameId' => '25'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:39',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768588',
'Delta' => '4.35',
'FrameId' => '26'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:39',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768589',
'Delta' => '4.49',
'FrameId' => '27'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:39',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768590',
'Delta' => '4.70',
'FrameId' => '28'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:39',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768591',
'Delta' => '4.85',
'FrameId' => '29'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:39',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768592',
'Delta' => '5.00',
'FrameId' => '30'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:39',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768593',
'Delta' => '5.20',
'FrameId' => '31'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:40',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768594',
'Delta' => '5.35',
'FrameId' => '32'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:40',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768595',
'Delta' => '5.55',
'FrameId' => '33'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:40',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768596',
'Delta' => '5.71',
'FrameId' => '34'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:40',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768597',
'Delta' => '5.90',
'FrameId' => '35'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:40',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768598',
'Delta' => '6.04',
'FrameId' => '36'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:40',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768599',
'Delta' => '6.14',
'FrameId' => '37'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:41',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768600',
'Delta' => '6.42',
'FrameId' => '38'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:41',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768601',
'Delta' => '6.58',
'FrameId' => '39'
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$VAR1 = {
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$VAR1 = {
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'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:59:00',
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'Id' => '11768733',
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3 ReoLink RLC-410
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
- Posts: 76
- Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:51 am
Re: Time gap occurring when alarm triggers...
Remember my argument about too much info and TLDR syndrom? Yeah... No replies, just as I thought.
I've been playing around with the settings -- turns out I can drop that gap time considerably by setting JPG compression back to the defaults of 70.
I've been playing around with the settings -- turns out I can drop that gap time considerably by setting JPG compression back to the defaults of 70.
3 ReoLink RLC-410
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
Re: Time gap occurring when alarm triggers...
Huh. That is surprising.
- knight-of-ni
- Posts: 2406
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:55 pm
- Location: Shiloh, IL
Re: Time gap occurring when alarm triggers...
Your message does not contain too much info, rather there are simply too few people in the forum willing or able to respond. I had not even seen your message until this morning.
It's quite overwhelming to have to maintain the source code, write feature requests, write documentation, and then try to help in the forums.... all in our spare time. It's great that ZoneMinder is so popular, but we simply do not have near enough help, at all levels. You seem to be asking intelligent questions so perhaps in time, we could get you to be one of those volunteers.
My dayjob has picked up for at least the next two weeks, so my activity with the project is going to dip. I have not taken near enough time to analyze the data you've provided, but my initial conclusion is that you need to adjust your pre and post roll.
The short answer to your question about time gaps is that you don't have all your motion zones sensitive enough to catch the jogger. However, what you will likely find is that, if you actually did set all the zones to be sensitive enough to pick up the jogger (joggers feet), you will likely also pick up a ton of false triggers.
Because motion detection counts color change in individual pixels, rather than real world objects (yes, blob detection tries to... but just roll with me), generally you will find it far easier to set up your motion detection to just pick up a couple frames of the actual motion and then let the pre and post roll do the rest. To take the specific example of the jogger in your video, extending the post roll (a.k.a. post event count) by a second or two will help zoneminder create one continuous event of the jogger running through the field of view, rather than two separate clips.
Oh, and there simply is no way to make a reliable preset for an outdoor field of view. The presets are reasonable for indoor views, but seldom work right outdoors. You have to tune your motion zones for outdoor views by hand yourself.
It's quite overwhelming to have to maintain the source code, write feature requests, write documentation, and then try to help in the forums.... all in our spare time. It's great that ZoneMinder is so popular, but we simply do not have near enough help, at all levels. You seem to be asking intelligent questions so perhaps in time, we could get you to be one of those volunteers.
My dayjob has picked up for at least the next two weeks, so my activity with the project is going to dip. I have not taken near enough time to analyze the data you've provided, but my initial conclusion is that you need to adjust your pre and post roll.
The short answer to your question about time gaps is that you don't have all your motion zones sensitive enough to catch the jogger. However, what you will likely find is that, if you actually did set all the zones to be sensitive enough to pick up the jogger (joggers feet), you will likely also pick up a ton of false triggers.
Because motion detection counts color change in individual pixels, rather than real world objects (yes, blob detection tries to... but just roll with me), generally you will find it far easier to set up your motion detection to just pick up a couple frames of the actual motion and then let the pre and post roll do the rest. To take the specific example of the jogger in your video, extending the post roll (a.k.a. post event count) by a second or two will help zoneminder create one continuous event of the jogger running through the field of view, rather than two separate clips.
Oh, and there simply is no way to make a reliable preset for an outdoor field of view. The presets are reasonable for indoor views, but seldom work right outdoors. You have to tune your motion zones for outdoor views by hand yourself.
Visit my blog for ZoneMinder related projects using the Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Odroid, and the ESP8266
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- Posts: 76
- Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:51 am
Re: Time gap occurring when alarm triggers...
Until I do more testing, I'm going to assume this has something to do with the size of the jpg images, and, perhaps, storage throughput issues.iconnor wrote:Huh. That is surprising.
3 ReoLink RLC-410
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
- Posts: 76
- Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:51 am
Re: Time gap occurring when alarm triggers...
It's pretty sensitive actually -- even the shadow of a bird flying over is enough to trigger it -- if it is the first zone to trigger:knnniggett wrote:The short answer to your question about time gaps is that you don't have all your motion zones sensitive enough to catch the jogger. However, what you will likely find is that, if you actually did set all the zones to be sensitive enough to pick up the jogger (joggers feet), you will likely also pick up a ton of false triggers.
Video: ... k/download
Again, when (if!) you get a chance to look at the frames in the event, you'll see that after the jogger triggers the first frame (16:58:45), the very next frame has her running behind the vehicle (16:58:48). Even if the second zone didn't trigger, I would still expect to see her in a "regular" frame as part of the post roll.
What I don't understand is why I was able to see all frames of her motion without gaps when I was editing the zones ( ... autoplay=1). That should mean, at least, that ZoneMinder received the data from the camera, appended the time stamp, overlayed the zones, and pushed it out to me via apache to my browser. What happened to those 3 seconds x 30 fps = 90 frames in ZMA?
3 ReoLink RLC-410
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
2 Annke NC800
Kubernetes 1.22.6 statefulset of 5 Ubuntu 20.04 pods using iconnor's repository
ZoneMinder Version 1.36.12
- knight-of-ni
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Re: Time gap occurring when alarm triggers...
When I first read your post, I thought you had exported two events and merged them into the same video clip.
I see what you are saying right here:
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '5',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:45',
'Type' => 'Alarm',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768623',
'Delta' => '10.39',
'FrameId' => '61'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:48',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768624',
'Delta' => '13.34',
'FrameId' => '62'
The eventid is not only the same, but you can see the ID increment by one.
This is not something I've seen between any of the systems I maintain.
What I would ask you do is run another test, but with the Analysis FPS blank. Lower the frame rate in the camera to 5 fps to keep things the same.
The Analysis FPS field has received relatively little testing, and you can see the author already spotted and fixed issues with the frame rate:
The author has unfortunately passed away so if there is an issue with this feature, someone would have to step up and look into it.
If the issue persists, then we can eliminate this as a possible cause and can look into other reasons.
I see what you are saying right here:
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '5',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:45',
'Type' => 'Alarm',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768623',
'Delta' => '10.39',
'FrameId' => '61'
$VAR1 = {
'Score' => '0',
'TimeStamp' => '2016-10-30 16:58:48',
'Type' => 'Normal',
'EventId' => 137390,
'Id' => '11768624',
'Delta' => '13.34',
'FrameId' => '62'
The eventid is not only the same, but you can see the ID increment by one.
This is not something I've seen between any of the systems I maintain.
What I would ask you do is run another test, but with the Analysis FPS blank. Lower the frame rate in the camera to 5 fps to keep things the same.
The Analysis FPS field has received relatively little testing, and you can see the author already spotted and fixed issues with the frame rate:
The author has unfortunately passed away so if there is an issue with this feature, someone would have to step up and look into it.
If the issue persists, then we can eliminate this as a possible cause and can look into other reasons.
Visit my blog for ZoneMinder related projects using the Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Odroid, and the ESP8266
All of these can be found at
All of these can be found at