I want to add a 'custom condition' to a filter (running a script/app and check its exit code)
Is it possible ?
Running script as part of filter condition ?
Re: Running script as part of filter condition ?
you could create a filter that will start an external script that could do this possibly.
Re: Running script as part of filter condition ?
But this won't be a consition for the filter actions, they will be done anyway+ script, I need the script to be a consition for the filter actions
Re: Running script as part of filter condition ?
Ahhh I see. So a condition that is not present but added and that if met will do some action available in the filters?
Re: Running script as part of filter condition ?
That's my goal.
i.e. script that checks if someone at home (by ping to its mobile device or any other way) before sending movement email
i.e. script that checks if someone at home (by ping to its mobile device or any other way) before sending movement email
Re: Running script as part of filter condition ?
Oh there was a solution to this just posted not long ago. A guy wantedt a way to "arm" and "disarm" ZM when I his iPhone left the house and returned automatically. This just was done successfully and was posted someplace....I will have to look around.....I think a ping to the phones MAC address present or not present on the network router then set which "Run State" ZM is in.
Re: Running script as part of filter condition ?
Actually this part is already done, I'm using Tasker to arm/disarm the monitor using its API and it works great.
The problem is when I leave the house but it's not yet empty,
The problem is when I leave the house but it's not yet empty,