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Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:48 pm
by jameswilson
ok then another beta update
added camera titles for all 36 cams
added option to change zoneminder table name
usual place
let me know
ps re the cycle view it worls fine my end
I have removed the bit of code that doesnt update the image until after a succesful load incase thats causing a problem
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:26 pm
by jameswilson
fixed an issue with port numbers and cycle view if your only using port 80 then this will not affect you if it does ill do a temp update else itll be in the next beta update which will probably be in about 2 hours time lol
CYcle View & Playback
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:48 pm
by wa4bro
Cycle is still not working here and I use all port 80. It still did not pickup url view camera and left last image from zm displayed for awhile then grabbed the red x (no image) after comple cycle all red x frames.
Did not find mysql database name on playback screen or anywhere else James. I have been over writting the installs, SHould I be removing and then reinstalling each time? Just wonder if ths might be causing a problem. Each verion changes with overwrite, so I assumed it was ok.
The camera descriptions look good. I guess if you wanted you could reduce the box size some and let is scroll as in the camera ip/url box to get back that roll over of async to the other page... but really from what I have seen and if you are going to change the refresh to indivudal, you could probally remove the async anyway.
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:15 pm
by jameswilson
pm me your url's and ill stick it in mine all i have used the url mode in testing is local jpgs on my hard drive so there might be an issue i havnt seen,
Re mysql database your right..oops dont know how i missed that lol
I was thinking of removing the asyn thing but it can stay in it may be useful for testing other things and features later on in the cycle.
I have updated beta so try this one
re update you should be able to install over the top ithas been designed to update automatically from website (eventually)
Also added another option in misc disable intelligent blah blah, this will stop (cycle view only at the mo) the camera windows waiting for a succesful image grab before getting next (ie it will request a nerw one even if the other hasnt finished yet
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:47 pm
by wa4bro
Database name box is there but it is not substituting for your 'ZM' fixed value. Still errors looking for zm even though zoneminder is the database name I use.
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:53 pm
by jameswilson
give me 5. I had added that control to change the bd name before and fixed the problem your having now but earlier on tonight visual studio crashed and im wondering what else i have lost now, ill post a fix in 5 mins. I want this sorted!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:59 pm
by jameswilson
Cant blame ms for that one
I had modified the query but not the connection string. I ahev tested it and if i change mine it fails so that should get you going
I will look at the url prob now
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:16 am
by jameswilson
cycle thing was me too, t would accept local files but not anything with http in it. Sorted now (i hope) once and for all and i have uploaded most recent build
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:25 am
by wa4bro
James the databsae change helped me to connect to the database but some real weird things are happening.
Here I am connected with Camera ID 2 and get back a list of events.
The events will not play back or anything.
CLicking on camera 3 or others do not list the events
Camera 5 presents a different error
I think there are some more buglets running around. Maybe it is with camera slection and orders etc. Not sure, Not sure why the 1st camera connects and gives events but none of the rest will ( and they have events) then in camera 5 hit saiys there are not hosts.
Once I saw a crash with a 404 error return maybe thinking it is asking for a page that is not there or maybe a protected directory... Not sure...
The interface looks like a great edition for sure.... I'll grab the next one an take a look. Good work as usual ...
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:59 am
by jameswilson
i would expect the issue you have on 5 and 6 as your using url mode (i think) so there would be no zm to connect at to at that address so it would fail, regarding your other error i will have to look as all the machines i have acces to (local and remote) it works a treat
Can you open up your zm server to the net and give me access to ports 80 and 3306 create me a user with select only rights etc etc(Pm me) james
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:55 pm
by wa4bro
jameswilson wrote:i would expect the issue you have on 5 and 6 as your using url mode (i think) so there would be no zm to connect at to at that address so it would fail, regarding your other error i will have to look as all the machines i have acces to (local and remote) it works a treat
Can you open up your zm server to the net and give me access to ports 80 and 3306 create me a user with select only rights etc etc(Pm me) james
Wow, James I feel like such an idiot. Too much testing in one day <G>
For some reson I had checked the ZM camer ID's in your viewer NOT actually the the way they were set up <G> You were right 5 and 6 were url links. When I changed it back. I got events list for each camera that had events. But the images would not display.
When I opened up a camera the events list comes up and the image on the viewer with a small red X (indicating no image) flashes at a rapid beat then the pointer on the right on events drops down and it continues to flash the red x like it is playing the next event and so on until it ends playing them all except no picture is displayed during this process.
For grins I hit the export and it brought up the export screen. I told it to export to mpeg/avi etc and it looed as though it was going through the process and then an error occurs:
This 404 file not found error indicates to me it is either looking at a fixed path that is not on my machine or the directory it is trying to grab it from has wrong permissions set.
I am running zm from a pre compiled .rpm from Chappai in France on the SME Linux Server Beta. It created and set permissions on all directories. I have no problems running anything from the zm web console. Export, MPG functions all work locally.
I had to do some research on opening port 3306 to my local lan. The server is behind a router and has no public IP. I already have another server RoswellWeather.Net that is on port 80, so I can not open them both up or I would.
Do you have a hard coded path for playback?
My install is under /zoneminder not /zm or the www root as some installs. I have to proceed your path as in the ctu with /zoneminder
What directories is the playback trying to retrieve events from... I'll have a look at permissions there too.
Oh, one more thing while I am here, I got to head to work fast. I saw your post on a card you were having problems with setting up that has 4 bt chips..... the one I was telling you I was having sync problems with is the very same card I found your post on. Did you ever get it working ?
Mine is actually billed as 16 ports. Has 4 chips and has dual pigtale cables 4 Black labeled v1 thru v4 and then 4 grey labed A1 thru A4 all then a like pigtale for the other back plain port all with BNCs. Plus 4 audio ports on card and one yellow monitor out port.
Seems I am having the problem as you. Out of sync video and showing on more than one port. I tried all kinds of card=XXX, xxx in modprobe.conf but so far no luck.
Sorry to change the tread a bit there Chap.
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:03 pm
by jameswilson
your probably right about the path yes it is hard coded
i was being a bit foolish when i assumed all setups would be the same as mine.
It looks like ill probably have another option to edit the path used in settings, mine is /zm/events
I am bit concerned about this permisions thing as i am not passing any auth on playback so i might have to modify this also
Could you do me a favour
Using your web interface with zm could you browse an event
change to stills and post the path to the stills (remove the ip if you want)
and i will see if ican make it an option like the streaming path.
Anothing i might do is see if i can use zms to playback images on playback.
Does anyone have a zms path for viweing a particular still from a particular event on a particular monitor.
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:32 pm
by jameswilson
feature added pre events on playback of events see image
Also added a path setting in playback settings for modifying the playback path (thaks to wa4bro to all his testing and comments so far)
Plus various other fixes and improvements
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:37 pm
by wa4bro
jameswilson wrote:your probably right about the path yes it is hard coded
i was being a bit foolish when i assumed all setups would be the same as mine.
It looks like ill probably have another option to edit the path used in settings, mine is /zm/events
I am bit concerned about this permisions thing as i am not passing any auth on playback so i might have to modify this also
Could you do me a favour
Using your web interface with zm could you browse an event
change to stills and post the path to the stills (remove the ip if you want)
and i will see if ican make it an option like the streaming path.
Sorry James I am at work and have no access to the zm machine behind the router, but I will check when I get home this evening.
Since your path is /zm/events I am sure the 404 error was due to the path, my structure would be /zoneminder/events since it was looking for /zm/events this is why I see the 404 error ... the page was not found as it is not there <G>
I think permissions should be ok as it should be owned by Apachee anyway, but I will check for sure.
Looks like you have updated again, so now I am behind again
, 1st. day back from Holiday I may not have as much time the next day or so.
I see you have added a path in the new release. This may totally take care of the problem. I will let you know this evening.
PS: Did you get my blurb about the card?
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:53 pm
by jameswilson
yes i plan to try that card again as i have updated my zm disk to a new kernel, i think support for it was added in the 2.6.12 kernel, and i am now on 2.6.13 but linux and hardware is not my strong point, i will have a play later on tonight (but before the girlfriend gets home from work, she says i spend to much time in my office already lol)