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Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:01 am
by BlankMan
Nope, no joy. Tried the changes, still get a white screen instead of the video for the two analog cameras connected to the PVI-981.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:01 pm
by BlankMan
Still hoping I can get this working, any and all ideas welcome.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:07 am
by BlankMan
Well, my persistence and tenacity paid off, I have streaming working, for the most part anyway.

I installed the mplayer plugin for firefox and opera and can view using avi and asf. Couple of things to note, the mplayer plugin needs to have the 'Play media directly from site (No Caching)' checked, the 'Minimum Cache Size' set as low as you can (32 in the GUI if you edit the config file you can set it to 0), the 'Percent of Media to Cache' set to 0, and in ZoneMinder Images -> MPEG_TIMED_FRAMES has to be unchecked.

Oh and mplayer and its plugin were installed from the packman repository.

firefox locks up a lot, maybe due to PHP 5.3 but opera doesn't have that problem.

Re: Not able to view video when STREAM_METHOD is set to mpeg

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 6:29 pm
I'm getting this issue on the svn version 3337.

Mpeg streaming on SWF, streams of 320x240 works perfect, but on 640x480 almost always get a blanks screen, sometimes I get the first frame, but thats all.

Re: Not able to view video when STREAM_METHOD is set to mpeg

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:28 pm
by msilveira
DREMA wrote:I'm getting this issue on the svn version 3337.

Mpeg streaming on SWF, streams of 320x240 works perfect, but on 640x480 almost always get a blanks screen, sometimes I get the first frame, but thats all.

Heh, guess what, I have the the same issue here. 320x240 works just fine.

Should we create a new topic?

EDIT: There's a topic about it already: ... 21&t=16533

Re: Not able to view video when STREAM_METHOD is set to mpeg

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:37 am
by gilles

I've got a ip vivotek 7330 which work with jpeg and 640*480, with same same error as others.

If I try 320*240, it works, but zoom don't work anymore.
