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Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:15 pm
by zoneminder
I've added a list function to zmu which comes up with this kind of output
Code: Select all
Id Func State TrgState LastImgTim RdIdx WrIdx LastEvt FrmRate
1 3 0 0 1132142048.17 19 19 221556 9.09
2 3 0 0 1132142048.17 82 82 221549 9.09
13 2 0 0 1132142048.18 -1 70 0 10.00
24 3 0 0 1132142048.19 13 13 221557 8.33
25 2 0 0 1132142048.12 -1 6 0 5.71
Is that the kind of thing you need? It might not come across very well on here but it's fixed width fields in case that makes it easier to parse. This can be wrapped in a web page if you need to access it that way. Also I wasn't sure if you wanted the monitor name. Unlike everything else that won't be fixed width necessarily and may have spaces etc in it which may mess up parsing. I can quote it or delimit the fields with commas if that makes it easier.
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:45 pm
by jameswilson
looks perfect i will chat to you later today about it
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:22 pm
by jameswilson
Phil this thing you have added to zmu how do i add it to mine. I assume it will get rolled into the next release? ANd how do i get it, i know you mentioned making it available by http but i dont think thats necesary as all i need is to pull it inot my app. I will use it for the alarm view and ill make a status view that just looks good and complicated but doesnt really do a lot (just like the enduser likes).
Update on viewer
Have fixed a few things and put an audio wavning so the user knows its in the midle of something and it will play any wav, so if you wanted to you could even record your own!
added an are you sure to the save current view button, made full screen actually go full screen (at the moment it jumps to monitor 1 on a multihead but i will probabbly make this an option soon (when i learn how to)
Fixed the load issue, basically now it wont request a new image unless the previous image has completed loading. I have a 860 duron running my cams at home 256 mb and if i pull all 36 cameras of this (repeating them in the setting) my load goes from .4 to about .9 with a 1 fps per cam (before it was up int 3 or 4 mark)
As such i have now made the different view refresh times adjustable in the settings window so if you need all 36 cams to display 4 fps you can (set update to 250 (ms)) not sure how the server would like it though the highes i have gone is 2 fps.
Anyhow the alarm project above is a bit of a biggy for me so this will take me a while but i want it so i assume others do too, I am aslo out of ideas now to impliment all i have left is alarms (pop up cameras, flashing lights, sirens etc) and playback these 2 will take me a while as my ability aint up to that at the mo so i gotta learn it all.
If anyone has any ideas let me know and ill put em in.
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:32 pm
by zoneminder
Yes, it will go in the next release but I can post a patch in the meantime. I was just going to try and get a pure php solution in the next day or so if I could as it might be more efficient but otherwise you can use the zmu based one.
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:03 pm
by jameswilson
whatever you think is best Phil, if php is the way to go then you go that way. If its php based i assume then it will be requested via a http request?
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 5:47 pm
by jameswilson
update 27/11/05
Stable release currently viewer only
stable beta (all known issues fixed) full front end for zm,
can stream, playback, encode videos, print record etc etc see contribs
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:37 pm
by zoneminder
Excellent. Thanks James. You definately seem to be outrunning me at the moment as I'm a bit stuck for time just now and trying to get the zones fixed so I can release a version with your status support. Hopefully very soon though.
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:41 pm
by jameswilson
Its easy for me as all the hard work is sone on the server by you!! All my app does is interpret it and show it in a different way.
I will probably be bothering you soon on how you did the timeline and getting that into my end to, my passing thoughts i have had is to request images straight of the timeline or create my own from the db.
I dont fancy the latter option
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:45 pm
by zoneminder
It's all just basically 2D SQL queries and a bit of plotting. Simple really
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:50 pm
by jameswilson
yeah it looks really simple
you might think its simple but i looked at the source for zm one night and nearly died
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:09 pm
by jameswilson
Phil something else i want to add is muticam playback but i cant think if a way to syncronise all the times/dates plus there the problem of no footage for that time/date being available due to modect being used, it would be easier on mocord and modect, but wondered if there was a sql query that would include the events and images table to keep them in sync but i know very little about mysql (iknow what it is and some of what it does thats all)
PS im only thinking of upto 4 way playback as demands on resources would be too high on a 16 playback i think
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:13 am
by jameswilson
UpdateMove beta release to main release and new features added to current beta, See contribs
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:35 am
by zoneminder
jameswilson wrote:Phil something else i want to add is muticam playback but i cant think if a way to syncronise all the times/dates plus there the problem of no footage for that time/date being available due to modect being used, it would be easier on mocord and modect, but wondered if there was a sql query that would include the events and images table to keep them in sync but i know very little about mysql (iknow what it is and some of what it does thats all)
Whoops, I missed this one last week. You can create a query to get all frames/events from a particular time frame. I'm not sure it will be all that easy to manage synchonising the start but certainly not impossible.
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:08 am
by jameswilson
the timestamp entry in frmaes though doesnt include seconds, I had thought about querying the timestamp anf then sorting on id, it would be close but not ideal?
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:54 am
by zoneminder
There is a Delta field in the Frames which is the decimal time difference from the start time of the event. The pre-event frames have this as a negative value by the way.