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Re: 1.21.4 Early Release

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:51 pm
by lazyleopard
zoneminder wrote:Ah, I think that is the root of your problem then. As well as the schema change zmupdate also does some data munging, moves things around and basically fixes up the db for the new version.
Yep, I'd just come to the same conclusion, having done some comparison of the scripts in 1.21.3 and 1.21.4.
zoneminder wrote:You can pass in a priveleged DB user and password via the -u and -p switches though you still have to run it as root.
There seems to be something in my mysql setup which means it refuses to take the master password as part of the command line. It demands to have it prompted for and typed in blind. Usually "mysql zm -uroot -p" does this, but zmupdate doesn't seem to be happy to pass plain "-p" as an argument for mysql. I'll have a go at it this evening.
zoneminder wrote:This is most strange. I don't see any of this kind of behaviour. What distro are you running?
Gentoo with apache 2.0.55 and perl 5.8.6. I'll see whether I can get a pstree of the wayward process this evening. Does any of the perl stuff get used via CGI? (I've got mod_perl installed).

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:16 pm
by SyRenity

Below are several initial impressions:

1) The streaming video is finally working on Windows WMP 10 (XP SP2). The long quest for it have finally reached a success! Thanks Phil for this one. The FFMPEG used was the yesterday's CVS.

2) During the installation, the make could not create the perl scripts part. The Automake complained that the versions differs (the one that came with ZM was 1.4.8, and I had automake 1.4.9). It requested to re-run the aclocal command, which rebuilt the config file. The make could then finish sucessefully.

3) The resulting binaries are very large, easily reaching ~9 MB. The previous version binaries were around ~800k (even ~200k with the debug info omitted ). It seems as the libraries are somehow got linked statically, otherwise, how such large size is possible?

4) Using IE, in the video generation, when creating a video and clicking "View", the following JS error appears:

Line: 13
Char: 2
Error: Invalid Argument
Code: 0

Also, when clicking on "Download", the movie is loaded in the new window, and a download dialog appears for the "index" file.

This screen works fine in Firefox, thought.

5) In the video generation, the 3gp format is marked by *. Selecting it while generating the video does not produce results. Does it means it still unsupported yet?

6) The time line feature is simply rocks! Can't wait when it will reach IE, as it currently shows no images at all, when pointing the spikes.

The distro used is Fedora Core 4, 32-bit.

In the summary, this is a great and feature-wise version. I think that you should name it 1.22, rather then 1.21.4 ;).

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:54 pm
by zoneminder
SyRenity wrote:1) The streaming video is finally working on Windows WMP 10 (XP SP2). The long quest for it have finally reached a success! Thanks Phil for this one. The FFMPEG used was the yesterday's CVS.
Good news to start with!!
SyRenity wrote:2) During the installation, the make could not create the perl scripts part. The Automake complained that the versions differs (the one that came with ZM was 1.4.8, and I had automake 1.4.9). It requested to re-run the aclocal command, which rebuilt the config file. The make could then finish sucessefully.
Hmm, that's a little odd. You should not need any of the automake type tools on your system. I'll regenrate them all here before repacaking anyway just to be onthe safe side.
SyRenity wrote:3) The resulting binaries are very large, easily reaching ~9 MB. The previous version binaries were around ~800k (even ~200k with the debug info omitted ). It seems as the libraries are somehow got linked statically, otherwise, how such large size is possible?

Also odd. Mine look to have always been a few Mb each. It occurs to me that perhaps this is an effect of how you are linking to the ffmpeg libraries as thay are about 10Mb or more. Perhaps you just don't have .so versions?
SyRenity wrote:4) Using IE, in the video generation, when creating a video and clicking "View", the following JS error appears:

Line: 13
Char: 2
Error: Invalid Argument
Code: 0

Also, when clicking on "Download", the movie is loaded in the new window, and a download dialog appears for the "index" file.

This screen works fine in Firefox, thought.
Thanks, I'll check that in IE.
SyRenity wrote:5) In the video generation, the 3gp format is marked by *. Selecting it while generating the video does not produce results. Does it means it still unsupported yet?
I think it should have a '**' on it. This just means that it is the default for the XHTML interface. It works for me here. I've only tried it from a phone though and it's very fussy about image sizes and only seems to work when you have exact multiples of cif, acif sizes etc.
SyRenity wrote:6) The time line feature is simply rocks! Can't wait when it will reach IE, as it currently shows no images at all, when pointing the spikes.
The mouseovers are actually there but usually somewhere off the bottom and nowhere near where the spikes are. I've figure a lot of the positioning out in IE, the problem is it wants to render some of the spikes and bars twice for some reason and I can't find any logic to it. :cry:


I would like to try the early release

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:19 pm
by johabba
I am interested in checking out the new features. I can test it on the latest Gentoo, Debian Sarge, OpenSuSE 10, and CentOS 4.2.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:28 pm
by cordel
johabba please see PM


Re: 1.21.4 Early Release

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:03 pm
by lazyleopard
lazyleopard wrote:There seems to be something in my mysql setup which means it refuses to take the master password as part of the command line. It demands to have it prompted for and typed in blind. Usually "mysql zm -uroot -p" does this, but zmupdate doesn't seem to be happy to pass plain "-p" as an argument for mysql. I'll have a go at it this evening.
Ok. I should have been a bit more pedantic, and got the correct number of dashes before each option, (one before "version", two before "user" and "pass") and not tried using the webcam user and password. Only root will do.

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/ -version=1.21.3 --user=root --pass={password}

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:13 pm
by lazyleopard
...and the installation on my live webcam machine went smoothly. The new "timeline" display is an interesting one. I wonder how it'll behave over a slowish link.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:00 am
by zoneminder
Yes. This is why you can select which type of view to use as a default for each bandwidth. I tend to use list view for low bandwidth and timeline for everything else. The timeline view renders ok but loading the images as you mouseover events can be slow. There were a few bugs in the timeline view in rc1, they are now fixed but I don't know if I will go to an rc2 or just release.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:34 am
by lazyleopard
Cheers. I expect I'll stick with the list most of the time, but the timeline view is good where multiple monitors and relatively short time-windows are involved. It's not immediately clear to me what the three buttons do. the central one seems to reset the view to a week's worth, and the << and >> ones seem to adjust the start time and end time respectively, but that wasn't what I'd expected when I first tried them. (I'd expected the << and >> ones to shift te window later or earlier.)

I don't usually use the Montage view, but I've been trying options, and the montage view seems to have trouble presenting more than the first two streams. I just get broken images for the others. It's not entirely clear why. Individual streams (and "Cycle") all work fine.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:44 am
by martymoose
so where can we download to test the preview

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:35 am
by SyRenity
lazyleopard wrote: I don't usually use the Montage view, but I've been trying options, and the montage view seems to have trouble presenting more than the first two streams. I just get broken images for the others. It's not entirely clear why. Individual streams (and "Cycle") all work fine.

If you are using video streaming and IE, then it's the simultaneous connections limit issue. The IE up from version 5, basically limits the number of concurrent connections for one site to 2. Read here to find out how to resolve it:

I believe Firefox has the same limit too.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:30 am
by zoneminder
martymoose wrote:so where can we download to test the preview
I'm planning to do the full release today or tomorrow so I don't think there's much point in the preview at the moment. Just keep watching the site :D


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:36 am
by zoneminder
lazyleopard wrote:It's not immediately clear to me what the three buttons do. the central one seems to reset the view to a week's worth, and the << and >> ones seem to adjust the start time and end time respectively, but that wasn't what I'd expected when I first tried them. (I'd expected the << and >> ones to shift te window later or earlier.)
The '-' should zoom the view out to the next degree of zoom (e.g 1s->5s->1min->5min->1hr etc) and the '<' and '>' buttons will pan forward or backwards, effecitvely centering the left or right edges of the graph. To zoom in you click on the graph background. However some of this was a bit broken in the rc1 release but is fixed now. I will make sure the 'alt' tags on the buttons explain a bit better or put some flyovers on.

The other thing to be aware of is that if you are viewing a list of events that are generated from a complex filter and aren't defined as just over a timescale range then zooming out will still only display that set of events. The timescale expansion only happens if the filter is simple enough that the timescale range can be parsed and extracted from the rest of the conditions. That was a right bugger to implement I'll tell you!


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:45 am
by lazyleopard
If you set a maximum bandwidth setting for a user then it seems they can't actually change their setting. The drop-down list contains the ones they ought to be able to select, but the top one always ends up being set by "Save", which ever one's selected.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:10 pm
by zoneminder
Thanks for this one. Found and fixed!
