Hi All
I realize this thread is a bit old now, but I figure it might save someone googling all day (like me
Every version of ZoneMinder I used/tried had this exact problem.
Today I was thinking, maybe “distro”…maybe “perl”…."BUGGER! - server thinks it’s on a permeant holiday USA/Canada without me":(
ZoneMinder rocks & thankyou for a fantastic application.
Howto – hope it helps someone
If your email time filters are incorrect with Zoneminder,it's a problem with Date::Manip. (timezones)
This fix might help. In my case I use SME Server 7.2 and it had no timezone entry, therefore defaulting to USA/Canada. (-0500 Central Daylight)
I've just hardcoded it ("AEST" for me, Australian Eastern Standard) into my Manip.pm.
NOTE: you need to adjust for daylight saving time when it arrives.
find Manip.pm
# locate Manip.pm
fire up your fav editor (my path)
# pico /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/Date/Manip.pm
search for
# Local timezone
edit and save with your timezone from the list below.
# Local timezone
Definition of time zones
A time zone item specifies an international time zone, indicated by a small set of letters.
Military time zone designations use a single letter (except j). Zulu Time (z) is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Here are the most common standard-time time zones, indexed by the zone hour value.
"idlw -1200 ". # International Date Line West
"nt -1100 ". # Nome
"hst -1000 ". # Hawaii Standard
"cat -1000 ". # Central Alaska
"ahst -1000 ". # Alaska-Hawaii Standard
"akst -0900 ". # Alaska Standard
"yst -0900 ". # Yukon Standard
"hdt -0900 ". # Hawaii Daylight
"akdt -0800 ". # Alaska Daylight
"ydt -0800 ". # Yukon Daylight
"pst -0800 ". # Pacific Standard
"pdt -0700 ". # Pacific Daylight
"mst -0700 ". # Mountain Standard
"mdt -0600 ". # Mountain Daylight
"cst -0600 ". # Central Standard
"cdt -0500 ". # Central Daylight
"est -0500 ". # Eastern Standard
"act -0500 ". # Brazil, Acre
"sat -0400 ". # Chile
"bot -0400 ". # Bolivia
"amt -0400 ". # Brazil, Amazon
"acst -0400 ". # Brazil, Acre Daylight
"edt -0400 ". # Eastern Daylight
"ast -0400 ". # Atlantic Standard
"nst -0330 ". # Newfoundland Standard nst=North Sumatra +0630
"nft -0330 ". # Newfoundland
"gst -0300 ". # Greenland Standard gst=Guam Standard +1000
"bst -0300 ". # Brazil Standard bst=British Summer +0100
"brt -0300 ". # Brazil Standard (official time)
"brst -0300 ". # Brazil Standard
"adt -0300 ". # Atlantic Daylight
"art -0300 ". # Argentina
"amst -0300 ". # Brazil, Amazon Daylight
"ndt -0230 ". # Newfoundland Daylight
"brst -0200 ". # Brazil Daylight (official time)
"fnt -0200 ". # Brazil, Fernando de Noronha
"at -0200 ". # Azores
"wat -0100 ". # West Africa
"fnst -0100 ". # Brazil, Fernando de Noronha Daylight
"gmt +0000 ". # Greenwich Mean
"ut +0000 ". # Universal
"utc +0000 ". # Universal (Coordinated)
"wet +0000 ". # Western European
"cet +0100 ". # Central European
"fwt +0100 ". # French Winter
"met +0100 ". # Middle European
"mez +0100 ". # Middle European
"mewt +0100 ". # Middle European Winter
"swt +0100 ". # Swedish Winter
"bst +0100 ". # British Summer bst=Brazil standard -0300
"gb +0100 ". # GMT with daylight savings
"west +0000 ". # Western European Daylight
"eet +0200 ". # Eastern Europe, USSR Zone 1
"cest +0200 ". # Central European Summer
"fst +0200 ". # French Summer
"ist +0200 ". # Israel standard
"mest +0200 ". # Middle European Summer
"mesz +0200 ". # Middle European Summer
"metdst +0200 ". # An alias for mest used by HP-UX
"sast +0200 ". # South African Standard
"sst +0200 ". # Swedish Summer sst=South Sumatra +0700
"bt +0300 ". # Baghdad, USSR Zone 2
"eest +0300 ". # Eastern Europe Summer
"eetedt +0300 ". # Eastern Europe, USSR Zone 1
"idt +0300 ". # Israel Daylight
"msk +0300 ". # Moscow
"eat +0300 ". # East Africa
"it +0330 ". # Iran
"zp4 +0400 ". # USSR Zone 3
"msd +0400 ". # Moscow Daylight
"zp5 +0500 ". # USSR Zone 4
"ist +0530 ". # Indian Standard
"zp6 +0600 ". # USSR Zone 5
"novst +0600 ". # Novosibirsk time zone, Russia
"nst +0630 ". # North Sumatra nst=Newfoundland Std -0330
"sst +0700 ". # South Sumatra, USSR Zone 6 sst=Swedish Summer +0200
"javt +0700 ". # Java
"hkt +0800 ". # Hong Kong
"sgt +0800 ". # Singapore
"cct +0800 ". # China Coast, USSR Zone 7
"awst +0800 ". # Australian Western Standard
"wst +0800 ". # West Australian Standard
"pht +0800 ". # Asia Manila
"kst +0900 ". # Republic of Korea
"jst +0900 ". # Japan Standard, USSR Zone 8
"rok +0900 ". # Republic of Korea
"acst +0930 ". # Australian Central Standard
"cast +0930 ". # Central Australian Standard
"aest +1000 ". # Australian Eastern Standard
"east +1000 ". # Eastern Australian Standard
"gst +1000 ". # Guam Standard, USSR Zone 9 gst=Greenland Std -0300
"acdt +1030 ". # Australian Central Daylight
"cadt +1030 ". # Central Australian Daylight
"aedt +1100 ". # Australian Eastern Daylight
"eadt +1100 ". # Eastern Australian Daylight
"idle +1200 ". # International Date Line East
"nzst +1200 ". # New Zealand Standard
"nzt +1200 ". # New Zealand
"nzdt +1300 ". # New Zealand Daylight
Military Time Zones
The hourly zones are used by the military are referred to by a letter of the alphabet (or their phonetic equivalent).
The letter J is not used.
"z +0000 ".
"a +0100 b +0200 c +0300 d +0400 e +0500 f +0600 g +0700 h +0800 ".
"i +0900 k +1000 l +1100 m +1200 ".
"n -0100 o -0200 p -0300 q -0400 r -0500 s -0600 t -0700 u -0800 ".
"v -0900 w -1000 x -1100 y -1200";