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zm in suse 10.0

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:44 am
by pre-newbie
Hi! I got stuck with the mysql log in. I attempted everything to log in. I do not understand why only one time it logged but later the zm did not run and presented an error of denied access to zm db. Even with the manager I cannot log into any database. I do not know how to recover the mysql root pass, then I will just re-install everything from scratch...
One question: The CPAN section has several commands but at the end, how to finish to get out and continue with the next section? I just used 'quit', but then I got this message: Lockfile removed. Is that normal? should not be used some code to save before to quit CPAN?

With your help I am sure that I will get zm running! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:14 am
by jameswilson
the default psw for mysql root is blank, just incase you havnt tried that


Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:43 pm
by pre-newbie
Thank to all of your kind support, finally I have ZM running on my box (Athlon 64) with opensuse 10.0.
I re-installer everything from scratch. Then the only changes to the original howto were:

** in CPAN section
Answered with 'Yes' to autoinstall, as well as all the cases of questions about 'Shall I prepend the modules....?'.
I ended the section by adding "exit".

** in "start servers" I added a root mysql password (blank did not worked) after having started the mysql server.

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h password 'new-password'

** in "login MySQL" I used the root mysql password 'new-password'

** installing ZM
I extracted the tar file in the desktop and move it to the path:
cd /home/user/bin

Thanks very much for all your help!

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:20 am
by dgsconseil
sorry i've been out for a moment .... i'll read all of the posts and try to explain better ce CPAN update/installation process.

Re: SUSE 10 OSS Installation intruction with network camera

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:22 am
by dgsconseil
benny wrote:Hello,

I installed a ZONEMINDER with a TrendNet TV-IP200W but I can not watch video comming from this IP camera.

Could you share your ZM and TrendNet TV-IP200W configuration?

Thanks by advance
hi benny,
i have the configuration you need .... but not in my actual place.
I should be able to send it tou you within one or to weeks.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 1:59 pm
by Mark Ward
I'd like to add my thanks here to the others. I was a bit bewildered about all the complexity on ZM installation, but with the aid of this guide I've succesfully installed ZM under Suse10 :D

A couple of things I'd like to get right though....

1/ doesn't auto-start when booting up, is there a startup file somewhere I can add it to?

2/ I currently only have a root user with password. Can I create an extra user, get the system to auto-load that user's account and still run all OK? I'm concerned that power cuts etc. mean ther server will not auto-restart.

I do have some other bits I need to understand, but I'm off to search the forum for solutions before posting more.

Thanks again,


Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 5:04 pm
by Mark Ward
Having had a few teething problems I'm having another go at a fresh install using the guide.

Problems I never cured last time:-

1/ failed to get any images to display in firefox (either mpg or jpg). jpdg gave broken links and mpg gave "misisng plug-in", not that I ever worked out what the plug-in was.

2/I wanted to re-install in the correct directory and I made a bit of a mess trying to re-compile :roll:

3/I never did manage to get zm to start at boot time, I had to run sudo start everytime.

4/ I was never 100% sure all YAST2 package installs completed.

A couple of things I was sure of last time round

a) How do I get Linux to boot fully and not stop at a login screen? If I do get zm to start at boot time this time (as in the guide) is zm already running at the point you get the login screen? If so that's perfect, but I'm worried that a power out would result in zm not re-starting.

b)The "Package installation using YAST2" section was fairly complex with a lot of "not founds" that seemed to come ok at the end. Where is the log to check success after each package installtion attempt?

c) in the "Configure Zoneminder to be started at boot time" code:-

Code: Select all

su -
# from zoneminder source directory
cp scripts/zm /etc/rc.d
cd /etc/rc.d
chmod +x zm
# edit zm with your favorite text editor (vi ?)
# remove the line related to include functions
# replace all occurences of echo_success by echo success
# replace all occurences of echo_failure by echo failure
# save the changes (ie :x!)
cd rc5.d
ln -s ../zm S99zm
ln -s ../zm K00zm 
Is the line "chmod +x zm run only before editing the file? I thought chmod returned the executable status to a file after editing? Check checking.... my knowledge is very limited.

In the line "remove the line related to include functions" . Could you clarify which line this ois please? I didn't see the word "include" anywhere, but thought it must have been the line near the beginning?

d) ARe there any additional plugins rerquired for FIrefox to dsiplay recorded and monitored images?

Thanks agian for a great guide, hopefully I'll get it 100% this time.


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:14 am
by Mark Ward
In the initial post...Could the moderators amend this line back to it's original state please?
Currently Incorrectly Reads wrote:./configure --with-webdir=/svr/www/htdocs/ --with-cgidir=/svr/www/cgi-bin/ --with-webgroup=www --with-webuser=wwwrun ZM_DB_HOST=localhost ZM_DB_NAME=zm ZM_DB_USER=zm ZM_DB_PASS=zm --with-libarch=lib64
Back to
Should Read wrote:./configure --with-webdir=/srv/www/htdocs/ --with-cgidir=/svr/www/cgi-bin/ --with-webgroup=www --with-webuser=wwwrun ZM_DB_HOST=localhost ZM_DB_NAME=zm ZM_DB_USER=zm ZM_DB_PASS=zm --with-libarch=lib64
This got amended after I (as a newbie) asked whether it was correct. I had an "svr" & "srv" directory on my first install attempt with parts of zm in each and wondered why.

It was originally correct, I still don't know how I ended up in the state I did, but the original post was correct. I now have an installed & working system.

Sorry for causing the confusion. I wasn't saying it was wrong, merely asking what was correct. Apologies.


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 8:02 am
by zoneminder
Initial post amended :)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:35 pm
by byte
Mark Ward wrote: 3/I never did manage to get zm to start at boot time, I had to run sudo start everytime.
I finally managed to get it to work on boot up to get it working just do...

cd /etc/init.d/rc5.d
ln -s ../zm S10zm
ln -s ../zm K10zm

Now mine safely boot's up and shut's down.

Hope this helps you Mark!

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:43 pm
by byte
Mark Ward wrote: Is the line "chmod +x zm run only before editing the file? I thought chmod returned the executable status to a file after editing? Check checking.... my knowledge is very limited.
That doesn't matter when you chmod it
In the line "remove the line related to include functions" . Could you clarify which line this ois please? I didn't see the word "include" anywhere, but thought it must have been the line near the beginning?
Yes it's actually the line...

# Source function library.
#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions <---This line here
d) ARe there any additional plugins rerquired for FIrefox to dsiplay recorded and monitored images?
I use firefox daily and have used it fine with no plugin's

Re: SUSE 10 OSS Installation intruction with network camera

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 1:27 pm
by carlos_e
dgsconseil wrote:
benny wrote:Hello,

I installed a ZONEMINDER with a TrendNet TV-IP200W but I can not watch video comming from this IP camera.

Could you share your ZM and TrendNet TV-IP200W configuration?

Thanks by advance
hi benny,
i have the configuration you need .... but not in my actual place.
I should be able to send it tou you within one or to weeks.
Rather than sharing your TrendNet config by mail, could you post it here? I have a TrendNet TV-IP400, and still no luck at configuring it with zm

Thanks in advance.