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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 8:20 pm
by Hatchet
Sorry I took so long to write back but I thought we should finish this thread since it is in the wiki. Although ZM is working now I don't know what fixed it except Fedora 7 yum updates. Which update that fixed it -- I don't know? This is why I didn't respond back to this thread long ago.

Anyway my motion capture is working better than any other ZM distro had. Now I have another problem, maybe not even related but it seems to be. If I am transferring data at high bandwidth with ZM running, Fedora will lock up. This lock-up doesn't happen when I stop ZM before I transfer large files. I run shorewall firewall on my Fedora system and it is the DSL gateway for my home network.

Anyway I am not looking for a fix to that issue since ZM 1.23 will be out soon (RC1 is out) and I will give that a try. Thanks for the good try and help though.

BTW, I see Fedora 8 will be out in around 2 months too. Oh shit, I see more headaches in my fuuture! :lol: But I love it really.

Ferdora Hangs due to Shared Memory

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:00 am
by tgutwin
One thing that hung me was the shared memory settings.
It hooped me with hangs that I couldn't get logs for months

Check the Wiki FAQ for shared memory ... gs_mean.3F
and this post. ... highlight=


Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 6:52 am
by dalvis
I recently did an install of ZoneMinder on FC7, and everything went smoothly. A couple of things that helped, I first ran yum and got all the updates before I started. Then add this to your /etc/yum.respos.d directory, Call it freshrpms.repo:

Code: Select all

# $Id: freshrpms.repo 3341 2005-06-28 18:40:26Z thias $
name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Freshrpms
Now you can do a "yum install ffmpeg" and it will get all the dependencies. Plus you can get most of the other harder to get extras from there as well.

After you compile ZM, just make sure you give it enough shared memory, and configure the capture card correctly (if you are using one.)

Hope this helps.

Re: Ferdora Hangs due to Shared Memory

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:10 pm
by Hatchet
tgutwin wrote:One thing that hung me was the shared memory settings.
It hooped me with hangs that I couldn't get logs for months

Check the Wiki FAQ for shared memory ... gs_mean.3F
and this post. ... highlight=


The second link is new to me and I will take a closer look at it later. The shared memory deal is interesting and a little confusing.

Just for you info I installed and updated to ZM 1.23 in Fedora 7. I couldn't get the camera window to show any picture. After looking around and not finding errors in the logs, I found that mysql listed my only two cameras as number 5 and 6. So I deleted the zm mysql database and reconfiugred it. Then I got the picture. Otherwise the install/update went smoothly.

Now I just have to figure out what mootools is and how to use it, or install it. :?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:16 pm
by Hatchet
dalvis wrote:I recently did an install of ZoneMinder on FC7, and everything went smoothly. A couple of things that helped, I first ran yum and got all the updates before I started. Then add this to your /etc/yum.respos.d directory, Call it freshrpms.repo:

Now you can do a "yum install ffmpeg" and it will get all the dependencies. Plus you can get most of the other harder to get extras from there as well.

After you compile ZM, just make sure you give it enough shared memory, and configure the capture card correctly (if you are using one.)

Hope this helps.
I got mine working with a ffmpeg install from the livna repos. Anyway there must have been something critical missing in the original install of Fedora 7, that needed updating before ZM would work. I am just sorry to say I never figured out what it was. I am prettty sure ffmpeg wasn't my original problem -- for once. :)