Page 11 of 49

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:55 pm
by jameswilson
i will look into this it looks like i have an error with the default values

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:06 pm
by jameswilson
I cant see a reason for this error anywhere
When you said you installed the .net framework was it 2.0 or 2.0 beta?

And does this error occur every time you try to open settings?

Are you running zm4ms or zm4msbeta?

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:12 pm
by jameswilson
Features added
URL refresh rate a global setting for all url cams (thanks wa4bro)

3 buttons added to each camera window and will appear when you select that camera (click on title bar)
red, green and blue
Red opens live viewer and starts a local record (if local recoding enabled)
blue opens a live viewer only
green opens playback window for the selected camera

Added site name text to settings and can be enabled/disabled
this allows for site names to be entered ideal for when using zm4msbeta to view multiple sites.
The text at the top of each camera view will stay at camera descripter for 8 seconds
flip to site name for 2 seconds and back to camera descriptor etc etc

Fixed to ontop error so now you can make zm4s stay on top or not

fixed various other wilson mistakes in the code

fixed reverse playback preevent view

download in the usal place

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:34 pm
by tux
I read the first post and you said this:

ok i havnt got to the bottom of this.
I have created a new test app to see if that would work and it failed on my xp pro test machine.
I downloaded ... tnetfx.exe
which is the whole .net framework 2 beta and then my app installed. -

This version I have installed.

- I have installed Viseon Viewer 2.2
The error is when I click on settings (but is a warning) I can configure all ok and save.

- I copy

I don´t know, I think is zm4ms. I have dow
THe name ""(viseonviewer2(viseonviewer21001,viseonviewer21000....,setup.exe,...)

where is is the latest version?, for I try with it.

- Warning/error if I click details button :

CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50215.44 (beta2.050215-4400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Deployment/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50215.44 (beta2.050215-4400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50215.44 (beta2.050215-4400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

< jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:40 pm
by jameswilson
if you browse my server its under version2 as

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:28 pm
by jameswilson
Another update to zm4msbeta

Fixed cycle issue when invalid cams selected in cycle

Added motion only button to playback screen
This will search the db and only show frames that have alarm info in them ie no pre or post alarm. If your using mocord mainly (like me) it allows you to sep through days of events only viewing modect events. If you then need the pre and post alarm images click on the relevant camera and goto the full event with fast forward and rewind.

NOTE this query is HUGE i have tested over my 256 Broad band link and 2 weeks of footage takes approx 1 minute to sync. Local lan its great. I have only tested this with my setup which is mocord and win2k

If you do have any issues PLEASE let me know, i dont know how it will play ball on record or modect modes.

Have also fixed a couple of issues mainly with the preevent split view.

Think we are nearly there, unless anybody wants anything added i will make this beta the release version.


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:24 pm
by jameswilson
Fixed error warning when creating videos

Latest testing

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:58 am
by wa4bro

Looks like you squashed the cycle view problem. Now works good from home over the lan ZM , url and remote from work on url. Bingo!

Export still has problems and again I still suspect some sort of path issues James.

I did find 0.4.8 ffmpeg windows binary so we are on the same page. It is no longer writting 0 byte files but not much better than 12K <bad>

When I hit export the export screen comes up with an image on it.

When I export to jpg I still get the 404 exception error.

When exporting to mpg, avi or asf I the picture on the export screen turns to a red X (no image) just as I hit asf mpg or avi export.

See http://RoswellWeather.Net/james1201.jpg ( Note the capture is not real great because things are happening fast)

The script goes through with the progress bars, then says cleaning up and returns to the playback screen.

Each file is processed and written by ffmpeg 0.4.8 The asf and avi files contain only the 1st. frame from the display screen. The mpg is only blank. It showed exporting 197 frames but playback length shows 0.0 seconds in all formats, even those that have the 1st. frame displayed.

All this leads me to think that some of those fixed paths are still playing hide and seek :D

In your operation, when exporting does your screen go to the red x as soon as you give it a file name and click ok during the export? Or does it show pictures during export ?

The motion button results in an error from mysql saying unable to to select not authorized. then searching for motion goes half scale and freezes on screen, I have to terminate to get rid of that screen.

That is all from here tonight.... It has really progressed in a short period of time. Great work!


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:43 am
by jameswilson
the error on motion only will bew a sql select thing as it now uses the frames table to, so the permisions might need tweaking on your box. I have obviously missed something in the export and will look at this later on. Glad the cycle seems ok last night after i posted i found somethng wrong with reverse playback. Ill get the export thing sorted tonight.

Thanks again Wa4bro speak soon



Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:45 pm
by wa4bro

Have you changed something in refresh rates since the last one or so ?

I noticed after plugging in my usual URLs at home that almost no matter the settings in refresh, they were running at 10 second intervals. I though strange. Tried with the Intelligent updating ticked and un ticked. Changed refresh as low as 1 second and forced up and down the scale. Always 10 seconds.

So when I got to work today I thought I would try it here from remote. About 11 hops to home. Same thing, best I can do regardless of setting is a ten second update for urls. ( This based on watching seconds on my clock overlays on the url grabs).

I still think when time permitting an individual refresh rate per url cam would overall be the best way. That way each url cam could be adjusted for network delays, files sizes etc. on a per cam basis and need for rrefreshing a semi static image.


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:38 pm
by jameswilson
lol Yeah i added a global url refresh setting it should be in settings but i will check i didnt miss the option off in settings. It defaults to 10 secs so that would explain that. I want to have a refresh rate per cam for url mode but its in the main part of the code and quite a big change. I have had to do and undo a fiar bit in this code so i want to be sure i have the theory right before i do it.

Basically i windering wether a rerfesh rate per cam is a good idea generaaaly, ie if you have local and remote cams in the same zm4ms then it would help if the remotes were updates less frequently. On top of this i need to factor in the larger views that need a slower refresh anyway. It is on the list but i hoped a global one would help for now (and for testing purposes) But any input either way would help the decision.


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 6:23 pm
by wa4bro
jameswilson wrote:lol Yeah i added a global url refresh setting it should be in settings but i will check i didnt miss the option off in settings. It defaults to 10 secs so that would explain that. I want to have a refresh rate per cam for url mode but its in the main part of the code and quite a big change. I have had to do and undo a fiar bit in this code so i want to be sure i have the theory right before i do it.

Basically i windering wether a rerfesh rate per cam is a good idea generaaaly, ie if you have local and remote cams in the same zm4ms then it would help if the remotes were updates less frequently. On top of this i need to factor in the larger views that need a slower refresh anyway. It is on the list but i hoped a global one would help for now (and for testing purposes) But any input either way would help the decision.

Good for awhile I though, OH no if I tell James one more thing is not quite right and find later I am wrong... I will feel bad :D But when I put the forced and regular at 100 miliseconds and it still was running 10 seconds... I had to ask :D

ZM seems to handle things pretty good either from remote or local maybe if there is a method to set ZM timers and then an individual box setting for each cam refresh in url mode would be overall ideal way.

Could easily accomplish those that stream and then those that update every 60 seconds or 10 mins that way, without causing unneccessary network congestion. Course this is the ideal. I realize the situation in the code of things and that could be down the road. Just my 2 cents worth James. I just checked , did not see a tick box or anything in settings.... guess you were just testing me <G>


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:40 pm
by jameswilson
LOL your right i was testing i added the setting to the settings file but didnt put it on the settings page sorry. I need stronger coffee obviously.

I have added that now, i am going to look at the path not found error now and get that sorted plus i found another fault today to do with playback so i will fix all that before next release.

Regarding the timings i think then that i will have a refresh rate per camera that can be turned on or off, ie i would always have it off an duse the global settings that would be dynamic as i could have upto 20 clients connecting to a zm server with24 cms on it.

You obviously wont so having static refresh rates wouldnt cause a problem to the majority here.
I am currently looking at a mpeg playback option (like url mode) for zm cams and will probably add this timing info to the main windows when i do this.
(but i may give up on it for while like i did with videos lol)

Got a busy schedule this weekend so i might only be doing just the 1 update a day LOL


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:39 pm
by jameswilson
ok then another update
Fixed the motion only playback problem
fixed the reverse playback problem
fixed (hopefully) the export path problem

note regarding motion only query takes a lot out of your machine as its one hell of a big query

added url refresh rate setting to settings page

Enjoy and let me know how this one is peeps


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 5:12 am
by wa4bro
jameswilson wrote:ok then another update
Fixed the motion only playback problem
fixed the reverse playback problem
fixed (hopefully) the export path problem

note regarding motion only query takes a lot out of your machine as its one hell of a big query

added url refresh rate setting to settings page

Enjoy and let me know how this one is peeps


After loading and login as soon as I select settings the above error.

If I select continue I get settings page.

After defining all paths etc etc. and a logout restart I get NONE of my zm cameras showing but I do get url cams.

Checked paths they are all ok. Noticed however that the url refresh rate setting I entered is gone. I add it again. THen log out and back in. Still no ZM camera shown and the url setting is blank again.

Now in playback I DID get it to export a 10 min capture of one of the cam events and it worked!!!!!! Wrote a nice 14mb mpg....

Did not try the other formats or jpg export yet.

Did try motion and got error saying:
"error reading from database table 'zm.frames' does not exist.

I have not checked yet to actually see if it does in the database or if it is empty.

I did notice that selecting a cam that has no events recorded yet also throws an error as it can not display events that are not there.

I did get my SME server rebuilt with the latest ZM for SME Beta8 from chaapaï and it works great! One of the easiest installs of a full Centos Server with ZM!!!

Till the next update.... I am kinda dead unless I want to revert... <G>


PS I did remember to setup a stream user and I tested that with a url grab.