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Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:40 am
by jameswilson
good stuff thanks Dan

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:49 pm
by jameswilson
i need some input from all yu guys, during the xmas break i will be doing a bit of work on zm4ms and want to get the edit db bit sorted. From my point of view im thinking:-
Edit the current event (not delete or anything nasty just edit) to maybe add something to the notes field. Im thinking this should be a set list to prevent average users turkeying it up. Ie have a list of say 10 items that can be selected from a list. Maytbe event a,b,c etc some generic statements, ie breaking, theft, shoplifing etc. The reason i want to make thwe list static is so that a user can then query on event a, b etc or breaking and see them rather than have to remeber what he or another operator called them. I will aso be using this to do the joining of evnts for video purposes, so if you had 4 events of the same type you would edit them as event a or theft, then selct event a or theft from the list of available option then all events with that in the notes could be shown together. Have others got any input on this before i start it.
Obviously the archive is a simple true false and im assuming will be used by all to stop the event being removed by purge when full.

So if there is anything you want added now is the time before i go one way or the other and find out later that something can pnly be added if i undo whatever ive already done!


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:49 pm
by jameswilson
beta update
fixed login problem so you can now use enter and escape without having to click ok or cancel

added keybaord shortcuts
F1 loads menu
F2 - F9 loads the views eg F4 is quad view F9 is 36 way
the shortcuts will only work if the view is enabled in setup
F12 is a ful screen mode that toggles (removes title bar and toolbar and resises camera views)

added pause still forward and reverse to motion playback (double click events from playback)

altered the save view on close code as if app was minimised on exit it was difficult to ever get it back un maximised

available in the usual place

What is license of zm4win?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:51 am
by ekiboy69

James' sw looks awesome. But what is the license like?

Merry Christmas to you all!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:13 pm
by jameswilson
licence, i aint got one of them yet lol

Ultimatly it will be open when finished and tidied up, so i suppose at the mo its freeware. You can use wherever you like. As always donations are gatefully recieved for this but zm is the main app this is just a pretty windows front end for it.

I am currently looking into the possibility of modifying this to run on the server (linux), but is very early days yet

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:36 pm
by ekiboy69
jameswilson wrote:licence, i aint got one of them yet lol

Ultimatly it will be open when finished and tidied up, so i suppose at the mo its freeware. You can use wherever you like. As always donations are gatefully recieved for this but zm is the main app this is just a pretty windows front end for it. t
Well, I do understand your point, but...
In my opinion every piece of sw should be under some type of explicit license. If you happen to be open source oriented, you choose GPL, LGPL or Mozilla public license.

You never know what is going to happen. Be it good or bad, a license or even a disclaimer gives you a framework to handle it.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:44 pm
by jameswilson
so i need a licence statement to protect me?
I dont want to go open source at the moment cos it aint finished and its a bit of a mess in places. I dont mind anyone using it at all or i wouldnt have put it up here. Can anyone offer advice here or else it looks like im gonna have to pull it!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:54 pm
by jameswilson
ok licence file added to beta version, all others pulled for the moment

Thanks for pointing this out and big thanks again to wab4ro for more help and sorting me out with a licence thingy

Happy Xmas all

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:04 am
by jameswilson
beta update
mainly layout improvements added icons etc. let me know if this look is prefered cos im not so sure.
few improvements in appearance when loading the large views 24 and up alse drop to a lower quality as images are so small.

As always a big thankyou to Dan for all his help testing and reporting back

happy xmas and a zm new year to all

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:44 am
by wa4bro
A couple of obs James:

The Icons look cool, were they at the expense of real estate? I notice now in quad view both horozontal and vertical scroll bars. The views looked much better at fully expanded screen without the scroll bars. You might have to reduce image size of individual view or maybe the icons to get rid of them.

When cycling views say 4 to next 4 to next 4 an error occurs as soon as a view is changed that have no camera defines. Ie: only 8 cams tap 4 once see next 4, tap 4 again and since there are no cameras 9 through 16 you get a bad error. This occurs on all button cycle views. I do not remember this happening in the last version. Maybe needs a define check and switch the cycle back to beginning if the cycle will contain no defined cams.

Initally hitting the "Settings: Icon causes an error because there are initially no defined views, Maybe this needs to default to 4 instead of blank to stop the error. Once a number is defined the error goes away.

I did not see the license in the install process or in the zip file. Noticed the License metioned in the about buttton.... also check spelling on that.
Also check sp on synchronizing pop up.

BTW, I like the synchronizing message better than the screens playing tic tac toe and arranging themselves.

Playback icons look good too.


Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:07 pm
by jameswilson
thanks dan
licence is the uk way spelling so ill leave that
made the icons smaller to fix the scroll bar issue
fixed the defult view error

am looking into other error will post a new beta later tonight

Happy christmas all

ho ho ho

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 11:38 am
by jameswilson
beta update
fixed above issues
various if changes

usual place

happy new year

Installation problem: file has changed nag screen

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:06 pm
by ekiboy69

I bumped into something that seems like a microsoftism or something of the kind. At least the error nag screen I get is so disinformative that it just has to be one :wink:

error message:

Setup has detected that the file 'C:\DOCUME~1\Elias\LOCALS~1\Temp\VSD74.tmp\dotnetfx\WindowsInstaller-KB884016-v2-x86.exe' has changed since it was initially published.

See the setup log file located at 'C:\DOCUME~1\Elias\LOCALS~1\Temp\VSD74.tmp\install.log' for more information.

I get a nag screen claiming that the file has changed after it has initially been published. It says "press OK to reload file". Reloading does not work - I get the same error.

I even downloaded the whole .Net framework from MS and installed it. No help.

Any hints?

Update: I noticed this issue had been discussed before and James had given an URL that points to the beta version of .Net. I am trying to install with that.

Update no2: The problem was the differences in the beta version of .Net framework. I am up and running now.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:37 pm
by jameswilson
Yeah the origial woirked fine but i think ms did something to the file it autodownloads and it wont work, if you manually install its fine.

Also i have noted that if you install the proper .net 2 framework but dont use the setup and double click the other file it installes without the beta. I have only tried this once and it worked.

It should be ok on the final .net 2 as i have not used any beta specific functions and everything needed is also in the official .net 2.

Good luck with it mate any probs, comments, issues or ideas let me know


Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:13 pm
by R2D2
Setup has detected that the file 'C:\DOCUME~1\Elias\LOCALS~1\Temp\VSD74.tmp\dotnetfx\WindowsInstaller-KB884016-v2-x86.exe' has changed since it was initially published.

See the setup log file located at 'C:\DOCUME~1\Elias\LOCALS~1\Temp\VSD74.tmp\install.log' for more information.
same problem.
Yeah the origial woirked fine but i think ms did something to the file it autodownloads and it wont work, if you manually install its fine.
Where can i get the original?
The Link from the 1st Page is death.
