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Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:01 am
by curtishall
allanE wrote:curtis
I was unable to download the file. It shows as a page not a file
This file?

It's a php file so the server is trying to execute it as such. try 'wget' and then moving it into the appropriate directory.


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:44 am
by allanE

Got it...Still no good. The file had 148 bytes and the original is 3742...possibly bad download?

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:27 am
by newvisionantenna
allanE wrote:Curtis

Got it...Still no good. The file had 148 bytes and the original is 3742...possibly bad download?
Here you go, download this and move it to the correct folder. Delete the old or back it up, then run "tar xfvz filtersave.tgz" or something to that effect.

The file size is correct according to earlier suggestions.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:00 am
by Suri
I downloaded from the aforesaid link. But when I boot up the screen shows only syslnux message and stops with a "boot" prompt

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:53 pm
by allanE
Here you go, download this and move it to the correct folder. Delete the old or back it up, then run "tar xfvz filtersave.tgz" or something to that effect.

The file size is correct according to earlier suggestions.
Thanks ,This fixed the problem with the filter

Allan :D

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:20 pm
by c0mputerking
What about the 640X480 issue?

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:56 am
by Suri
Can somebody pls throw light. I downloaded the LivdCD Iso "bluecherry-zm-livecd-2.0b.iso". After writing to a CD I tried booting off the CD. But I get to the syslinux message and "boot" . Thats all. Nothing happens.
Pls help

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:31 am
by c0mputerking
That is strange but i do remember having this happen to me once with dapper. Pretty sure the fix was just typing some garbage and hit enter then things began to work. give a try type some random think in and hit enter

Not booting from LiveCD

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:18 pm
by Suri
I downloaded. The screen shows ISOlinux .............., then stops. Earlier it showed boot now nothing. I tried hitting various keys as computerking said. No use

Re: Not booting from LiveCD

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:25 pm
by curtishall
Suri wrote:I downloaded. The screen shows ISOlinux .............., then stops. Earlier it showed boot now nothing. I tried hitting various keys as computerking said. No use
Are you trying in a virtual machine or booting off the ISO? Could be a bad CD...bad CDROM or flaky hardware. See if it works in a virtual machine

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:49 pm
by Suri
I wrote the ISO on 2 different cds. Then tried to boot of the ISO. But the problem persists.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:49 pm
by curtishall
Suri wrote:I wrote the ISO on 2 different cds. Then tried to boot of the ISO. But the problem persists.
Did you test on a virtual machine?

Try running the memory tester on the menu of the Live CD

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:09 pm
by Suri
Well it is booting when using virtual box. So cds are flaky. But the same RW cds are good when I used to write the ZMLarch iso and boot. Anyway, now I have another query. How do I configure the LiveCD to always store the image information (images, videos etc captured by motion detection etc) to the hard disk. My idea is that the HDD should be used only for the storage. Whereas the LiveCD only for booting.. That way I can set up a system to boot from the livecd and even when there is power failure and resumption, the Linux shall boot from CD. And the hdd shall hold the motion images. This way i get the best of both worlds. The os never gets corrupt with bad shutdowns and restarts. The images / videos will not be lost.
I know this shall involve remastering. but i need some guidance.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:42 pm
by newvisionantenna

Now that I have got most of the work done on my dvd, I can whip you up a custom build of the Live Cd that is set according to any setting you want. I can also add in features like cambozola, patches, SVN versions, whatever you want. I would need the exact information on want you want and any other custom settings you want.


I could get it all online and then you could also tweak the control panel as you desire and then I will wrap it up into the Xubuntu Live cd. Time is money and I can't do it for free so come up with what it is worth. Otherwise wait till Curtis get's back with you but I doubt he has the time to whip up custom builds for indiviudal people.

This offer goes for anyone, if you want a live cd build designed specific for your needs, just send me a pm.

installation issues

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:56 pm
by tnolen
I'm having trouble installing the LiveCD to a harddrive. I burned three disks with the ISO and all three stop during the install. When I verify the disks from the boot menu, I find that 2 files have errors(which files is not specified). I downloaded a second ISO and mounted it to a virtual machine (to avoid the possibility of errors in the burning process) and get the same result.

Any suggestions?