Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:38 pm
Thanks for taking the time to report Kyle. I'm sure people will find this useful.
ZoneMinder Forums
Code: Select all
03/08/09 22:59:00.597748 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_rtp_data.cpp/98 [Got 1412 bytes on sd 9]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597771 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/44 [Ver: 2]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597791 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/45 [P: 0]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597810 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/46 [Pt: 96]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597822 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/47 [Mk: 0]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597834 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/48 [Seq: 3]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597846 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/49 [T/S: 2b91b5]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597858 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/50 [SSRC: cdb6e79b]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597871 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_source.cpp/87 [Seq: 3]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597883 zmc_m1[-1].DB3-zm_rtp_source.cpp/117 [Packet in sequence, gap 1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597[mpeg4 @ 0x6ffa350]header damaged
895 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_rtp_source.cpp/259 [16: fc db 6e f9 b6 df e6 db 73 32 b6 c3 c8 31 70 92]
03/08/09 22:59:00.597985 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_rtp_source.cpp/262 [16: 60 da 16 f1 32 00 00 00 70 86 00 07 00 00 00 00]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598006 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_source.cpp/187 [RTP Jitter: 0]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598621 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_rtp_data.cpp/98 [Got 1305 bytes on sd 9]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598638 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/44 [Ver: 2]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598650 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/45 [P: 0]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598662 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/46 [Pt: 96]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598674 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/47 [Mk: 1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598685 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/48 [Seq: 4]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598697 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/49 [T/S: 2b91b5]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598709 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/50 [SSRC: df36db9e]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598721 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_source.cpp/87 [Seq: 4]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598733 zmc_m1[-1].DB3-zm_rtp_source.cpp/117 [Packet in sequence, gap 1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598753 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_rtp_source.cpp/259 [16: df e6 db 77 c4 c1 fd 20 03 7f 7e 6d b7 f9 b6 df]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598778 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_rtp_source.cpp/262 [16: 60 da 16 f1 32 00 00 00 70 86 00 07 00 00 00 00]
03/08/09 22:59:00.598803 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_rtp_source.cpp/282 [Discarding incomplete frame 0, 0 bytes]
03/08/09 22:59:00.599127 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_source.cpp/187 [RTP Jitter: 0]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873186 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_rtp_data.cpp/98 [Got 1007 bytes on sd 9]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873257 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/44 [Ver: 2]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873275 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/45 [P: 0]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873288 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/46 [Pt: 96]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873302 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/47 [Mk: 1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873314 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/48 [Seq: 5]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873326 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/49 [T/S: 2b91b5]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873338 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_data.cpp/50 [SSRC: 58bb029f]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873352 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_source.cpp/87 [Seq: 5]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873365 zmc_m1[-1].DB3-zm_rtp_source.cpp/117 [Packet in sequence, gap 1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873379 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_rtp_source.cpp/259 [16: fb 83 05 ff ed ee 70 46 27 04 4f ee 0a 8f bc 36]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873400 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_rtp_source.cpp/262 [16: fb 83 05 ff ed ee 70 46 27 04 4f ee 0a 8f bc 36]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873419 zmc_m1[-1].DB2-zm_rtp_source.cpp/268 [Got new frame 0, 983 bytes]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873434 zmc_m1[-1].DB8-zm_thread.cpp/215 [Updating value with signal, 0x70075b8]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873467 zmc_m1[-1].DB8-zm_thread.cpp/201 [Waiting for value update, 1 secs, 0x7007620]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873483 zmc_m1[-1].DB8-zm_thread.cpp/127 [Waiting for 1 seconds]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873495 zmc_m1[-1].DB8-zm_thread.cpp/215 [Updating value with signal, 0x7007620]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873537 zmc_m1[-1].DB3-zm_rtp_source.cpp/323 [Copied 983 bytes]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873548 zmc_m1[-1].DB5-zm_rtp_source.cpp/187 [RTP Jitter: 0]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873553 zmc_m1[-1].DB3-zm_remote_camera_rtsp.cpp/171 [Read frame 983 bytes]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873589 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_remote_camera_rtsp.cpp/172 [Address 0x7f50f1e72010]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873609 zmc_m1[-1].DB4-zm_remote_camera_rtsp.cpp/173 [16: fb 83 05 ff ed ee 70 46 27 04 4f ee 0a 8f bc 36]
03/08/09 22:59:00.873941 zmc_m1[-1].ERR-zm_remote_camera_rtsp.cpp/212 [Error while decoding frame 0]
03/08/09 22:59:00.874205 zmc_m1[-1].ERR-zm_remote_camera_rtsp.cpp/213 [983: fb 83 05 ff ed ee 70 46 27 04 4f ee 0a 8f (insert a large amount of hex here) be fb f7]
03/08/09 22:59:00.874892 zmc_m1[-1].ERR-zmc.cpp/258 [Failed to capture image from monitor 1 (0/1)]
03/08/09 22:59:00.875226 zmc_m1[-1].DB1-zm_thread.cpp/302 [Joining thread -1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.875248 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_thread.cpp/323 [Attempt to join non-started thread -1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.875443 zmc_m1[-1].DB1-zm_thread.cpp/326 [Joined thread -1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.875575 zmc_m1[-1].DB1-zm_thread.cpp/245 [Destroying thread -1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.875591 zmc_m1[-1].DB1-zm_thread.cpp/302 [Joining thread -1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.875603 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_thread.cpp/323 [Attempt to join non-started thread -1]
03/08/09 22:59:00.875794 zmc_m1[-1].DB1-zm_thread.cpp/326 [Joined thread -1]
We have no idea what you have done except broken it. What lines have you added and specifically where. I think I understand the why but care to explain so we are all on the same page.lonewolf wrote: The camera does not like SETUP requests without first issuing a DESCRIBE in the same connection. If you try, it returns a 400 error. I added a couple of lines to zm_rtsp.cpp to fix this.
When you go to PLAY, it does not like the trackID parameter on the URL. Another small modification to zm_rtsp.cpp has the camera streaming video to ZM.
? It did not work for me with a clean download and compile, so I changed 2 things in src/zm_rtsp.cpp .cordel wrote:We have no idea what you have done except broken it. What lines have you added and specifically where. I think I understand the why but care to explain so we are all on the same page.
Code: Select all
message = "DESCRIBE "+mUrl+" RTSP/1.0\r\nAccept: application/sdp\r\n";
if ( !sendCommand( message ) )
return( -1 );
if ( !recvResponse( response ) )
return( -1 );
Code: Select all
message = "PLAY "+trackUrl+" RTSP/1.0\r\nSession: "+session+"\r\n";
Code: Select all
message = "PLAY "+mUrl+" RTSP/1.0\r\nSession: "+session+"\r\n";