so far, related to the previous issue (v4l), it seems like you solved it.
when configuring:
Code: Select all
configure: error: zm requires Sys::Mmap for mapped memory
so, before anything else i did a
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./configure --with-webdir=/var/www/zm --with-cgidir=/usr/lib/cgi-bin ZM_DB_HOST=localhost ZM_DB_NAME=zm ZM_DB_USER=zmuser ZM_DB_PASS=zmpass --enable-debug=yes --with-webgroup=www-data --with-webuser=www-data --enable-mmap=yes CPPFLAGS="-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS"
and worked well.
(now, looking at this, i think i forgot to make zm aware of ffmpeg
then, cheking syslog, looks like i need to deal with other matters:
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Feb 16 23:44:49 srvr zmdc[2218]: FAT [Can't connect: No such file or directory]
Feb 16 23:44:49 srvr zmpkg[2209]: ERR [Unable to run "sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/ startup", output is "Starting server"]
Feb 16 23:44:51 srvr zmpkg[2272]: INF [Command: start]
Feb 16 23:44:52 srvr zmdc[2282]: INF [Server starting at 11/02/16 23:44:52]
Feb 16 23:44:54 srvr zmdc[2282]: FAT [Can't bind: No such file or directory]
Feb 16 23:45:02 srvr zmdc[2281]: FAT [Can't connect: No such file or directory]
Feb 16 23:45:02 srvr zmpkg[2272]: ERR [Unable to run "sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/ startup", output is "Starting server"]
and at console:
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sudo /etc/init.d/zm start
Starting ZoneMinder: Can't connect: No such file or directory at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/ZoneMinder/ line 349
ZoneMinder::Debug::Fatal('Can\'t connect: No such file or directory') called at /usr/local/bin/ line 168
then again, in syslog
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Feb 17 00:07:58 srvr zmpkg[5773]: INF [Command: start]
Feb 17 00:07:58 srvr zmdc[5783]: INF [Server starting at 11/02/17 00:07:58]
Feb 17 00:08:00 srvr zmdc[5783]: FAT [Can't bind: No such file or directory]
Feb 17 00:08:08 srvr zmdc[5782]: FAT [Can't connect: No such file or directory]
Feb 17 00:08:08 srvr zmpkg[5773]: ERR [Unable to run "sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/ startup", output is "Starting server"]
so... tomorrow is another day, another nice puzzle to deal with, mainly because i'm learning in the process and i like challenges.
i'm leaving this here in case it was not my fault (s) during the process and probably you'll find another unexpected Natty change.