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Re: jpg streaming not working with 1.19.0

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:49 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Peter,

<i>Bad news:
1) A similar grand-scale complete re-install for v 1.19.0 doesn't manage to stream</i>

I would give up on 1.19.0 and go straight to 1.19.1

1) Should I be able to see streamed video on my laptop from the recorded events I've copied over?
I have all the database entries and all the /var/www tree is there anything else zms would need?</i>

So long as you have _all_ the relevant tables, ie. Monitors, Events and Frames you will probably be ok.

<i>2) Is there anything in the new 1.19.1pre which might fix the streaming problem in 1.19.0?</i>

Yes, lots of tweaks and fixes.

<i>3) You mentioned running zms directly with the QUERY_STRING set, what should I see if it's working?</i>

A few headers then lots of binary output, then a couple of headers and lots of binary etc etc. So redirect it to a file!


Re: jpg streaming not working with 1.19.0

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 10:02 pm
by peterthevicar
Hi Phil,

You genius!!

All fixed in 1.19.1 - wahay!

Is it my imagination or is the streaming smoother now? I don't seem to get the 'half' frames I did before.

I can watch myself over and over again arriving at church on my laptop now - what would I do without THAT!?

Seriously it's good to have a database I know is working to test new releases without having to disrupt the live system.

Thanks for bearing with all my silly questions.


PS I'm keeping my log of how to install (and what works) on Debian up to date at:

PPS What fantastic software!

Re: jpg streaming not working with 1.19.0

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:34 pm
by lazyleopard
Yep. Latest 1.19.1 zms working with Firefox here too. Occasionally seems to stick in replay but certainly no worse than 1.18.1. Does the "double-buffer" option have anything to do with zms? (That's the only other thing I think I've changed...).

Re: jpg streaming not working with 1.19.0

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:50 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Rick,

Double buffering only applies to stills in monitor mode, where streaming is not available as an option in any way so zms is not involved.

When you say the streaming sticks in reply, are you talking about replaying events? If so can you give me any more details?


Re: jpg streaming not working with 1.19.0

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:03 pm
by lazyleopard
Yeah. Typo. Sometimes the replay seems not to get to the end. Usually the browser reports something like "Transferring data from...". I've not figured a pattern to it yet. It may be something browser-cache related though, as hitting "Replay" usually gets it past the sticking point.