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Tigger monitor

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:47 pm
by akupsta
Hi Everyone,

I know zone minder has a variety of zone types, how about adding this new type:

Define zones in Monitor 1, recording of Monitor 1 zone motion as per current functionaltiy, but also trigger recording of Monitor 2 (based on Monitor 1 tiggered zone).

Sample use:

one birds eye camera looking at down at driveway from about a 15' height - Monitor 1. One camera on landscape lamp post on front lawn looking down driveway 6' above ground - Monitor 2.

If Monitor 1 detects motion in a defined zone, record and trigger (force) recording on Monitor 2.

Why? Monitor 2 will face a street and defining zones would place too much of a resource strain on the server -- results in alot of false alarms. Monitor 2 would record the person walking on the driveway (face, etc..), where as monitor 1 would record the "big picture".

Looks like an Inclusive type of zone, just needs to span to include multiple monitors.

Just an idea...


Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:01 pm
by jameswilson
Have a look into linked monitors as this is already there mate