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Minor suggestions for Fedora 7 RPM & SE Linux

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:23 am
by derrickj

I'd like to make some minor improvement suggestions for the Fedora 7 RPM of ZoneMinder (I use zoneminder-1.22.3-7.fc7).

I recently upgraded from FC6 to F7 and restored my MySQL database, and got caught out by a few config parameters.

After checking the zm_create.sql database creation script, there is an update to set the ZM_PATH_ZMS correctly for the Fedora RPM, but a couple of other parameters could also benefit from changes, IMHO.

The RPM creates /var/log/zoneminder, but the database scripts point logs to /tmp, rather than the new directory.

Code: Select all

ZM_PATH_LOGS = /var/log/zoneminder
ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG_LOG = /var/log/zoneminder/zm_debug.log+
In looking around for help to see how hard it would be to create a SE Linux policy for ZoneMinder, I came across Dan Walsh's journal ( in which he suggests sockets are moved from /tmp to /var/run/zoneminder. This is already used for the PID, so the change may remove the need for SE Linux packaging to include shared areas such as /tmp.

Code: Select all

ZM_PATH_SOCKS = /var/run/zoneminder
These give 3 lines to add to zm_create.sql:

Code: Select all

update Config set Value = '/var/log/zoneminder' where Name = 'ZM_PATH_LOGS';
update Config set Value = '/var/log/zoneminder/zm_debug.log+' where Name = 'ZM_EXTRA_DEBUG_LOG';
update Config set Value = '/var/run/zoneminder' where Name = 'ZM_PATH_SOCKS';
I note there are new tools in Fedora 7 to help create SE Linux modules- is anyone looking at this? If not, I might have a go some rainy weekend... ... cy-module/

Best regards,


Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:33 am
by cordel
You will have to contact the packagers for your request as we don't maintian the package code.