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auto clock setting? so what does everyone else do?
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:25 pm
by 8ace
hi everyone.
what is the easiest way to keep my computer time accurate? For some reason best known to itself the time drifts a lot (5 mins a day) and I wonder what time service everyone else uses (or enables).
Or perhaps your computer clock is solid!
Any tips or suggestions appreciated.
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:36 pm
by cordel
NTP is pretty much the standard for all computer systems. You should have had the option to enable it during the os installation. If your system drifts that bad, might be good to have it set to updat the clock every hour. the ntp package is usualy installed by default on all systems.
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:57 pm
by 8ace
Great thanks. I have the livecd version (.22). Where would I find NTP?
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:10 pm
by cordel
NTP should already be installed, you just have to configure it for use and start the service.
You will need to setup the servers to contact in the /etc/ntp.conf which is really easy.
and save the file.
then start the ntpd service. It's also posible that there are servers preconfigured so you might not even have to add an entry.
service ntpd start
You can also have it start automaticly:
chkconfig --levels 345 ntpd on
The other alternitive would be to sync with a GPS if the machine is not on the net. I thought I should mention it as it is another method that is used. More info on ntp can be had at